Ivine Galarza

Ruth Hassell-Thompson

May 14, 2012

Ivine Galarza


Year: 2012

Throughout her career in public service, Ivine Galarza has demonstrated strong leadership abilities and a sincere interest in strengthening her community and improving the lives of others. Currently, Ms. Galarza is the District Manager for Bronx Community Board #6, a position she has held since 1995. 

As District Manager, Ms. Galarza is responsible for monitoring and making recommendations to ensure the timely and satisfactory delivery of City services and programs to the community. Shealso serves as a liaison to New York City’s municipal agencies and elected officials and advises the community board on the City’s capital and expense budget. 

Prior to her work as district manager, Ms. Galarza was the founder and executive director of the nonprofit housing organization, The Housing Workshop, from 1985-1995. Her many accomplishments include the implementation of a program that provided legal representation to low income tenants in housing court, and the formulation of a housing education program that was added to the curriculum for all public schools throughout Community School Districts 10 and 12.  

Ms. Galarza has produced numerous public access shows for BronxNet Abriendo Brecha Internacional, geared toward educating the community about the services available to them by the city, state and federal governments. She also co-produced a Hispanic International Television Network (HITN) documentary alerting the public to asthma and the risk it poses to school children and their families. This documentary was filmed at St. Barnabas Hospital and helped raise funds for the victims of the Japanese tsunami and Hurricane Katrina.

Ms. Galarza embraces her Bronx community and works closely with the families of the victims of “The Happy Land Social Club Fire”, and coordinates the memorial each year. 

In addition to her many accomplishments and activities, she is presently head coordinator of the Miss Saint Thomas Aquinas Contest and is active in fundraising for St. Thomas Aquinas Church’s yearly festival. Ms. Galarza’s favorite quote is, “It’s not where you’ve been; it’s where you are going and what you are going to do when you get there.”