2/11/2012: Send a Female Veteran a Valentine

Shirley L. Huntley

February 10, 2012

News from New York State
Senator Shirley L. Huntley
For Immediate Release:
February 13, 2012
Contact: Antonio Rodriguez |arodrigu@nysenate.gov |(518) 455-3531

Senator Huntley Encourages Everyone to Send a Female Veteran a Valentine

(St. Albans, New York) - On February 11, Senator Shirley L. Huntley (D-Jamaica) visited and presented Valentine’s Day gifts and flowers to several female veterans at the New York State Veterans Nursing Home at the St. Albans Veterans Hospital. Rosaria Cracchiolo (Air Force-WWII), Mana Dejesus (Army-Vietnam), and Karen Mast (Air Force-WWII) all received roses, candy, cards, letters, balloons, and gift bags. These female veterans courageously served our country in World War II and Vietnam. The bravery and integrity that these female veterans displayed even in the face of danger is a testament to their character and will. The service our female veterans have provided to this country spans from the Civil War to the present day War on Terror.

American female Veterans come from an assortment of backgrounds and ethnicities, but also happen to be mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and sisters. Raising awareness and recognizing the courage and accomplishments of these three female veterans as well as the other 20 female veterans on Valentine’s Day was very important to Senator Huntley. “Our female veterans deserve to be celebrated and recognized everyday for their bravery, accomplishments, and sacrifice; however, sometimes female veterans aren’t equally as recognized. Since I will not be present in my district on Valentine’s Day, I felt this was an appropriate day to show our love and appreciation to all female veterans through these wonderful women”, said Senator Huntley. 

Please show your support for our female veterans and thank you for sending a Valentine’s Day gift to the New York State Veterans Nursing Home.