Senator Duane's Drill Watch
Thomas K. Duane
May 28, 2012
Below please find a comprehensive list of articles, editorials, letters to the editor, press releases, testimonies and resolutions regarding horizontal drilling and high-volume hydraulic fracturing in the Marcellus Shale formation in and around New York State.
I have also provided links to environmental advocacy organizations that are working to ensure that this method of natural gas drilling does not proceed without adequate protection for our precious natural resources.
--Senator Thomas K. Duane
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: For NY farmers, fracking means salvation -- or ruin May 28, 2012
Wall Street Journal: Drilling Ban Hits Leases May 28, 2012
Buffalo News: UB report on 'fracking' draws fire of watchdog May 24, 2012,
New York Times: Deadliest Danger Isn’t at the Rig but on the Road May 15, 2012
Associated Press: Gas drillers wrangle over NY limitations, bans May 12, 2012
YNN: The Obama Administration Lays Out Guidelines for Hydrofracking May 7, 2012
New York Times: Wastewater Becomes Issue in Debate on Gas Drilling May 4, 2012
News Channel 34 Binghamton: Residents to Rally in Endicott, NY as Part of Statewide Day of Action to Ban Fracking May 2, 2012
Ithaca Journal: In fracking fight, protests may be having an impact May 2, 2012
New York NOW: Preservationists oppose fracking April 18, 2012
Albany Times Union: Drilling method ignites environmental challenge April 12, 2012
YNN: Protesters call on DEC employees to take time reviewing fracking comments April 11, 2012
Albany Times Union: Drillers to locals: Frack bans could be costly April 11, 2012
Associated Press: NY Land owners plan to frack using liquid propane March 30, 2012
Elmira Star-Gazette: Unprepared for shale boom: N.Y., Pa. have no severance tax on oil, gas February 25, 2012
New York Times: Judge’s Ruling Complicates Hydrofracking Issue in New York February 23, 2012
New York Times: New York Judge Rules Town Can Ban Gas Hydrofracking February 21, 2012
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Hydrofracking wastewater issue remains unsettled in N.Y. February 20, 2012
Associated Press: Wastewater a Key Issue in State's Hydro-Fracking Debate February 20, 2012
Ithaca Journal: Cuomo: Fracking decision 'couple months' away February 9, 2012
New York Times: After Early Gallop, Albany Slows to Crawl in Making Decision on Gas Drilling February 7, 2012
Journal News: Hydrofracking panel deadlines on hold as DEC wades through 46,000 comments February 5, 2012
WXXI-AM: Anti Fracking Rally Draws Hundreds to Capitol January 23, 2012
Albany Times Union: DEC: Driller pollutes stream January 25, 2012
Associated Press: Dueling NY studies over natural gas climate impact January 19, 2012
New York Times: State Gets 20,000 Comments on Its Gas Drilling Rules by Deadline January 12, 2012
New York Daily News: The Bloomberg administration wants seven miles between hydrofracking and water supply January 12, 2012
Fox 5 New York: Hydrofracking Battle Continues January 11, 2012
New York Times: Drilling Critics Face a Divide Over the Goal of Their Fight January 10, 2012
Ithaca Journal: More than 18,000 comment on fracking January 8, 2012
Albany Times Union: DEC revisits cost of shale drilling December 21, 2011
Daily Freeman: Kingston won't accept fracking fluid at sewage treatment plant, city engineer says December 19, 2011
Press & Sun-Bulletin: Is 2012 the year for hydrofracking? December 18, 2011
New York Times: Add Quakes to Rumblings Over Gas Rush December 13, 201
New York Daily News: Hydrofracking push in New York may be derailed by contaminated water in Wyoming December 10, 2011
Associated Press: E.P.A. Implicates Fracking in Pollution December 8, 2011
New York Times: Learning Too Late of the Perils in Gas Well Leases December 2, 2011
Politics on the Hudson blog: DEC touts participation at hydrofracking hearings December 1, 2011
Albany Times Union: More time to join voices on shale gas December 1, 2011
New York Times: As New York Decision on Hydrofracking Nears, Industry Spending Skyrockets November 26, 2011
WBGH TV: DEC To Study Public Comments November 25, 2011
Salon: Cities, the new hydrofracking victims November 22, 2011
The New York Times Magazine: The Fracturing of Pennsylvania November 20, 2011
WNYC Empire Blog: Key agency delays hydrofracking regulations vote November 18, 2011
North Country Public Radio: Hearing expose deep divide on hydrofracking November 18, 2011
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Passions electrify hydrofracking hearing November 17, 2011
Ithaca Journal: State begins hydrofracking hearings November 14, 2011
Associated Press: DRBC tweaks proposed gas drilling regulations November 8, 2011
WNYC News: In Upstate NY, Gas Drilling Debate Gets Local November 3, 2011
New York Times Green Blog: The Fracking Divide: Who Will Prevail in N.Y.? October 31, 2011
Elmira Star-Gazette: Hydrofracking panel stalled over unanswered questions October 27, 2011
Syracuse Post-Standard: New York official signals slowdown in hydrofracking review October 27, 2011
Associated Press: Syracuse council bans fracking of gas wells October 25, 2011
New York Times: E.P.A. to Tighten Rules on Wastewater Disposal October 21, 2011
New York Times: Rush to Drill for Natural Gas Creates Conflicts With Mortgages October 20, 2011
Ithaca Journal: N.Y. weighs gas-drilling costs October 18, 2011
New York Times: Gas Boom Aids Pennsylvania, but Some Worry Over the Risk October 15, 2011
Your News Now: Panel on hydrofracking canceled October 14, 2011
Syracuse Post-Standard: Utica Shale is the next fracking frontier October 10, 2011
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Drilling leases: Some wary, many welcoming October 9, 2011
Albany Times Union: Pediatricians join call for health study on gas drilling October 6, 2011
WNED-AM: Environmental Groups Want More Time on Hydro Fracking October 4, 2011
WAMC: Panels Explore Hydrofracking in NY September 28, 2011
Ithaca Journal: Spin overtaking facts in Marcellus Shale debate September 26, 2011
New York Times: Signing Leases for Drilling, and Now Having Regrets September 23, 2011
Reuters: New York fracking lawsuit could set precedent September 22, 2011
Associated Press: NY agency to discuss fracking wastewater plans September 22, 2011
Legislative Gazette: Anti-frackers say gas industry had a hand in new DEC report September 12, 2011
Mid-Hudson News: Riverkeeper concerned with DEC plans for hydrofracking September 12, 2011
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: New York accused of going fast on drilling September 11, 2011
The Journal News: State shifts focus to hydrofracturing hearings, report September 10, 2011
WNYC The Empire Blog: Focus on flood recovery raises new hydrofracking concerns for for upstate Assemblyman Cahill September 8, 2011
WSYR-TV: Weighing the benefits and concerns of hydrofracking September 7, 2011
Elmira Star Gazette: Schneiderman a fracking foe who might have to defend it September 5, 2011
New York Times: Before Release, a Hydraulic Fracturing Study for the State Draws Skepticism September 3, 2011
The Associated Press: NY gas drilling environmental study due this week August 29, 2011
Albany Times Union: No-fracking law to council August 24, 2011
Syracuse Post-Standard: Central New York municipalities take steps to control hydrofracking August 21, 2011
New York Times: New York Subpoenas Energy Firms August 19, 2011
Albany Times Union: Panel weighs state cost in drilling August 19, 2011
Ithaca Journal: Extended review of hydrofracking sought August 16, 2011
WAMC-FM: DOE advisory panel issues recommendations on fracking disclosure August 12, 2011
Christian Science Monitor: 'Fracking': Did Energy Department report clear up controversy? August 11, 2011
Amsterdam News: What the ‘frack' are you talking about? August 11, 2011
New York Times: Panel Seeks Stiffer Rules for Drilling of Gas Wells August 11, 2011
Wall Street Journal: DiNapoli Proposes 'Fracking' Fund August 10, 2011
New York Times: Criticism of Shale Gas Articles, and of the Critic August 7, 2011
Gannett News Service: Chesapeake Energy natural gas leases set to expire soon August 7, 2011
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Hydrofracking comment period to start in 'late summer,' DEC says August, 2, 2011
Albany Times Union: State's proposed rules on drilling faulted July 20, 2011
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Hydrofracking's impact on air quality concerns some July 18, 2011
Auburn Citizen: New Yorkers divided on hydrofracking July 17, 2011
New York Times: Latest Drilling Rules Draw Objections July 15, 2011
Associated Press: Poll: NYers evenly split on gas-drilling rules July 15, 2011
The Post-Standard: State fracking rules could allow drilling near New York City water supply tunnels July 14, 2011
Associated Press: Religious leaders enter debate over hydraulic fracturing July 9, 2011
Associated Press: City to ban wastewater from gas drillers July 8, 2011
Ithaca Journal: Study: Gas drilling will hurt local tourism July 7, 2011
Ithaca Journal: DEC: Local hydrofracking bans could end up in court July 6, 2011
Democrat and Chronicle: Groups pore over proposed fracking rules July 6, 2011
The Journal News: DEC walks fine line on fracking, pushes limits, safeguards for gas extraction July 4, 2011
Albany Times Union: Panel to get drill rules July 2, 2011
New York Post: Frack it! Gov panel OK on gas drilling July 1, 2011
New York Times: Lawmakers Seek Inquiry of Natural Gas Industry June 29, 2011
Kingston Daily Freeman: Hudsonia will study hydrofracking June 21, 2011
Associated Press: Pa. health chief wants to analyze drilling areas June 17, 2011
Ithaca Journal: Dryden weighs gas-drilling ban June 14, 2011
Associated Press: Drilling group offers paid trip to energy hearing June 10, 2011
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Gas drilling's promise, perils rile townsfolk across country June 10, 2011
Ithaca Journal: New deadline for N.Y. fracking review draws mixed reviews June 6, 2011
Utica Observer-Dispatch: Communities want to be ready for hydrofracking June 2, 2011
New York Times: New York Sues Over a Drilling Rules Plan June 1, 2011
Gannett News Service: DEC to probe gas well blowout in Pa. May 29, 2011
Associated Press: Cuomo expands 'hydrofracking' review May 28, 2011
Daily Freeman: Wide rift over fracking evident at UCCC forum May 26, 2011
North Country Public Radio: Hydrofracking still a long way off May 22, 2011
The Post-Standard: New legislation would extend hydrofracking ban till June 2012 May 18, 2011
Time Magazine: Another Fracking Mess for the Shale-Gas Industry, May 9, 2011
New York Times: Energy Dept. Panel to Revise Standards for Gas Extraction May 7, 2011
Albany Times Union: DEC challenged on gas drilling rules May 6, 2011
Mid-Hudson News Network: Beacon council approves slow going on hydrofracking May 5, 2011
The Journal News: Assembly weighs water-usage bill that would restrict hydrofracking May 4, 2011
New York Times: Resistance to Gas Drilling Rises on Unlikely Soil April 24, 2011
Middletown Times Herald-Record: Local drilling not likely, expert says April 24, 2011
Albany Times Union: Drilling impact study sought; New York attorney general says state will sue if risks of hydrofracking not reviewed April 19, 2011
Ithaca Journal: Fracking gel: Canadian company presents a natural gas alternative April 15, 2011
Albany Times Union: Study: Shale gas dirty April 13, 2011
New York Daily News: A drilling debate over natural gas heats up in New York April 13, 2011
New York Times: Studies Say Natural Gas Has Its Own Environmental Problems April 12, 2011
Albany Times Union: Drilling Foes Make Point April 12, 2011
Ithaca Journal: Registry to chart gas-drilling chemicals April 12, 2011
WSYR TV: DEC steps up efforts to establish hydrofracking regulations April 1, 2011
Ithaca Journal: DEC chief: Gas-drilling review likely to run through summer March 31, 2011
WBGH TV: Schneiderman on Gas Drilling March 30, 2011
WBNG TV: Local Protesters Travel To Albany To Rally Against Hydrofracking March 24, 2011
Syracuse Post-Standard: Landowners rally against hydrofracking March 23, 2011
Ithaca Journal: Hydrofracking: Most N.Y. treatment plants not equipped to handle wastewater March 16, 2011
Mid-Hudson News: Hinchey, Schumer introduce legislation to protect drinking water from hydrofracking March 16, 2011
Elmira Star-Gazette: Penn Yan forum explores hydrofracking and farming March 14, 2011
Houston Chronicle: A fear of fracking may slow natural gas trend March 9, 2011
New York Times: E.P.A. as It Sets Rules for Natural Gas March 4, 2011
New York Times: Wastewater Recycling No Cure-All in Gas Process March 2, 2011
New York Times: Regulation Lax as Gas Wells’ Tainted Water Hits Rivers February 27, 2011
Times Herald-Record: Drilling regulations please neither side February 23, 2011
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Strong debate rages on gas drilling in Delaware River Basin February 22, 2011
Elmira Star Gazette: Lawsuit claims natural gas driller contaminated water in Big Flats February 14, 2011
Hornell Evening Tribune: Gas lease issue rising in Fremont February 10, 2011
Ithaca Journal: Owego trustee candidates sound off on Marcellus wastewater sale February 10, 2011
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: New York continues cautious approach to gas drilling February 9, 2011
Reuters: City of Buffalo bans hydraulic fracturing February 8, 2011
Wall Street Journal: NY gas drilling draft rules expected in June February 8, 2011
WNED-AM 970 News: Buffalo First in New York to Ban Fracking February 8, 2011
Rochester City Newspaper: Opposing fracking one community at a time February 3, 2011
Wheeling News Register: Lawyers From New York May Sue Gas Drillers February 2, 2011
Houston Chronicle: Fracturing to get close look February 2, 2011
Elmira Star Gazette: DEC plan may expand gas drilling on forest land January 23, 2011
Albany Times Union: State comptroller seeks gas drilling answers January 22, 2011
Albany Times Union: DiNapoli joins hydrofracking bid January 21, 2011
Washington Post: Energy firms queried on gas-extraction technique January 21, 2011
Mid-Hudson News Network: Hinchey, other House members support fracking chemical disclosure requirements on public land January 14, 2011
Buffalo Business First: Gas drillers grow impatient January 14, 2011
Press & Sun-Bulletin: Gas company attempts to extend leases January 12, 2011
Examiner.com: Coumo's choice for DEC chief urges caution on hydrofracking January 5, 2011
MPNnow.com: Gas drilling in Pennsylvania raises stakes in New York January 4, 2011
Ithaca Journal: Future of natural gas drilling: Cuomo wants 'the facts' December 30, 2010
Corning Leader: 2010 in Review: Natural gas fracking in New York remains on hold December 30, 2010
Elmira Star Gazette: Fracking: Northern Tier offers glimpse of what's to come December 26, 2010
Pittsburgh Post Gazette: Two approaches to drilling December 26, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Questions asked, answered in fracking debate -- but still no fracking in N.Y. December 25, 2010
MPNnow.com: Supervisors pass ban on hydrofracking in Ontario County December 20, 2010
Elmira Star-Gazette: Paterson's decisions on gas drilling during tenure get mixed reviews December 19, 2010
Kingston Daily Freeman: Report: White House seeks drilling OK before hydrofracking study is complete December 14, 2010
New York Times: New Round of Comments on Drilling December 14, 2010
Canandaigua Daily Messenger: Gorham passes hydrofracking moratorium December 13, 2010
NYS Public Radio: Paterson Says He Vetoed Hydrofrack Bill to Avoid Industry Shutdown December 13, 2010
Mid-Hudson News: Governor’s executive order calls for more study of hydrofracking in Marcellus Shale December 13, 2010
New York Times: On Drilling, Paterson Pleases Both Sides December 13, 2010
Associated Press: Water agency publishes gas drilling regulations December 9, 2010
Legislative Gazette: Lawmakers, industry experts debate ‘fracking’ moratorium December 6, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Tompkins Legislature agrees to ban drilling on county land December 3, 2010
Canandaigua Daily Messenger: Hydrofracking: One step closer to a moratorium December 3, 2010
CNN: New York could be first state to ban controversial drilling practice December 2, 2010
New York Times: Paterson Weighs Bill to Halt the Issuing of Gas Extraction Permits December 1, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Experts agree: Fracking moratorium 'symbolic' November 30, 2010
The Greater Binghamton Business Journal: Assembly votes to ban "hydrofracking' November 30, 2010
WNYC: Governor Mulls Fracking Ban, as Anti-Gas Drilling Bill Advances November 30, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Gas exploration prompts agency to extend watch over Susquehanna November 25, 2010
Mid-Hudson News Network: Bloomberg urges DRBC to go slow on hydrofracking November 24, 2010
Rochester City Newspaper: Shale drilling and the flaming faucet November 24, 2010
North Country Public Radio: Gas industry hopes for hydrofracking action November 22, 2010
UPI: Halliburton comes clean on gas fracturing November 17, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Broome County Legislature vote on natural gas drilling offer likely to be close November 16, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Ryan hopes legislature turns down Binghamton natural gas offer November 16, 2010
CBS' 60 Minutes: Shale Gas Drilling: Pros & Cons November 14, 2010
Star-Gazette: New DEC chief must juggle reduced resources with growing natural gas demands November 12, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Gas drilling in TV spotlight November 12, 2010
Pro Publica: Interview: Former NY Environmental Commissioner Pete Grannis on Gas Drilling November 12, 2010
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Activists gather at Cobbs Hill to protest hydraulic fracturing November 10, 2010
Bloomberg: Halliburton Fails to Give Gas-Drilling Data, EPA Says November 09, 2010
New York Times: When a Rig Moves In Next Door November 7, 2010
Elmira Star-Gazette: Attorney General-elect Schneiderman staunchly opposes hydraulic fracturing November 7, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Mario N. Nirchi: Lawmakers must learn facts before approving Broome gas deal November 6, 2010
Buffalo News: National Fuel to boost shale drilling November 6, 2010
Indiana Gazette: Marcellus expert advises caution as drilling expands November 5, 2010
Reuters: U.S. horizontal rig count hits record high November 5, 2010
Huffington Post: Finding our Fossil Fuel Fix: Hydrofracking, Deepwater Drilling and Mountain Top Removal November 1, 2010
The Oil Drum: Here's Why The Marcellus Shale Discovery Will Be A Disappointment October 30, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Ulysses Explores Gas-Drilling Ban October 29, 2010
WHAM-TV Rochester: Students Rally Against Hydrofracking October 27, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Arcuri joins call to withdraw DEC drilling statement October 26, 2010
WSYR-TV: Former oil industry executive speaks about hydrofracking October 26, 2010
Fox 40 WICZ: Hydrofracking Dangerous, says Industry Expert October 25, 2010
MPN Now: Digging into the details of Marcellus shale gas drilling October 24, 2010
Syracuse Post-Standard: Does Gulf oil spill hold lessons about hydrofracking? October 23, 2010
WBFO-FM: How hydraulic fracturing impacts environment October 20, 2010
Buffalo News: In Collins, effects of gas drilling are debated October 18, 2010
Associated Press: Gas drilling regulations delayed by water agency October 15, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Tompkins anti-fracking group fight leasing tactics October 14, 2010
The Jewish Chronicle: Experts speak on controversial Marcellus shale drilling at JCC October 14, 2010
Capitol News Connection: The Environment vs. The Marcellus Shale Gas Bonanza October 13, 2010
Associated Press: Preliminary study finds Marcellus Shale gas drilling threatens streams October 12, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Broome panel prepped on gas-drilling issues October 7, 2010
The Villager: Explosions, fires, fouled water: Welcome to hydrofracking hell October 7, 2010
Messenger Post: Wood Library series focuses on topic of hydrofracking October 7, 2010
SalemNews.net: Questions on shale gas leases, drilling addressed October 5, 2010
Rochester City Newspaper (blog): Who's opposing the Marcellus Shale? October 4, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Binghamton Forum to Host Another Meeting on Natural Gas Drilling Debate October 4, 2010
Natural Resources Defense Council (blog): More benzene in drinking water October 4, 2010
Gotham Gazette: Tackling Fracking October 1, 2010
Corning Leader: Gas drilling, fiscal crisis top issues at 137th Assembly District candidates forum September 30, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Opponents of Dryden gas drilling proposal protest to DEC September 28, 2010
CBS News: Mark Ruffalo Speaks Out Against "Fracking" September 28, 2010
WHYY: The Shale Game September 27, 2010
Gannett News Service: Gas activists sue over anti-terrorism bulletins September 27, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Natural gas facility makes pitch for tax break at Owego hearing September 24, 2010
Kingston Daily Freeman: Refusal to stall gas drilling heartens industry September 24, 2010
Scranton Times-Tribune: Activists encourage delay in Delaware Basin shale drilling September 24, 2010
Buffalo News: National Fuel Seeks to Ramp up Gas Drilling September 23, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Tompkins Coalition hopes to reach best deal with Marcellus drilling companies September 23, 2010
FOX 40 News WICZ TV: Broome Community College Students Learn About Hydrofracking September 23, 2010
Rochester City Newspaper (blog): Plenty left to learn about shale drilling September 22, 2010
Reuters' The Green Gauge blog: Shale developers hit speed bumps September 20, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Long-term costs outweigh benefits of gas drilling September 18, 2010
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Natural gas Drilling Meetings in Binghamton Wrap Up September 16, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Dimock, Pa. Residents May Get Municipal Water to Replace Contaminated Well Supply September 16, 2010
Fortune: EPA on fracking: "we can only do so much" September 17, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: State DEC report on fracking may still be months away September 17, 2010
New York Times Greenwire: Northeast Regulator Lightens Shale Drillers' Load September 17, 2010
Reuters: Chesapeake ordered to inspect 171 Marcellus wells September 17, 2010
Pittsburgh Post Gazette: Shale adviser Ridge calls anti-terror pact 'bizarre' September 16, 2010
Hornell Evening Tribune: Natural gas drilling: Is it safe? September 15, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Day 1 of EPA meeting served its point, officials say September 15, 2010
NY1: Hundreds Attend Hydro-Fracking Hearing Upstate September 14, 2010
Wall Street Journal: Shale-Drilling Fight Comes To Head At EPA Forum In NY September 13, 2010
Montreal Gazette: Gas supply-demand balance unstable, Ernst & Young says September 13, 2010
CNN Money: 'Terrified' New Yorkers protest gas drilling September 13, 2010
Bloomberg: New York Gas-Drilling Conflict Aired Over U.S. Fracturing Study September 13, 2010
Reuters: Gulf oil spill energizes foes of NY shale drilling September 13, 2010
New York Times Greenwire: Obscure Regulator Hits Brakes on Northeast Shale Drilling Rush September 13, 2010
CNN Money: Fracking debate heats up in New York September 10, 2010
New York Times: E.P.A. to Study Chemicals Used to Tap Natural Gas September 10, 2010
The Associated Press: Industry: No need for EPA to regulate gas drilling September 10, 2010
WBNG-TV News: Voicing Fracking Concerns September 8, 2010
Reuters: Rural Pennsylvania town fights big gas September 8, 2010
Buffalo News: Motherlode of gas is fractious pursuit September 6, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Gas-drilling factions split up for EPA hearing in Binghamton September 4, 2010
Middletown Times Herald-Record: Pa. fracking advocate decries new laws September 4, 2010
New York Magazine: Hydraulic Fracturing Makes Drinking Water Nice and Flammable September 3, 2010
Times Union: Hydrofrack hearings set for Binghamton September 1, 2010
Politics on the Hudson (blog): WFP: No fracking way August 30, 2010
NewsInferno: West Virginia, Pennsylvania Fracking Incidents A Lesson for New York August 26, 2010
Binghamton Star-Gazette: Still no deal on EPA meeting venue August 25, 2010
Oneonta Daily Star: Little said about health effects of drilling August 24, 2010
USA Today: 'Fracking' fractures N.Y. county August 24, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Drilling bill has opposition in Assembly August 23, 2010
Centre Daily Times: Route 144 residents grapple with Marcellus shale noise August 23, 2010
WENY-TV: Hundreds Protest Against Hydrofracking During Cuomo's Ithaca Visit August 19, 2010
Wall Street Journal: Three Shale-Gas Drillers Up for Sale August 19, 2010
Eagle Newspapers: Town of Marcellus moves to draft hydrofracking moratorium legislation August 19, 2010
Wellsville Daily Reporter: Hydrofracking discussion draws differing opinions August 19, 2010
WKTV Channel 2 Utica: Single Issue Voters Question Hanna on Hydrofracking August 19, 2010
Legislative Gazette: Both sides preparing strategies for final EPA gas drill hearing August 17, 2010
Kingston Daily Freeman: Gas drilling plan prompts debate over disclosure rules August 15, 2010
Patriot-News: Marcellus Shale Drilling Industry Is 'Not Operating At An Excellent Level,' State Official Says August 15, 2010
Associated Press: NY gov: No gas drilling unless fracking is safe August 13, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin: EPA meeting should return to Binghamton August 11, 2010
New York Times "Green" blog: 8,000 People? E.P.A. Defers Hearing on Fracking August 10, 2010
Toronto Globe & Mail: Tax us, police us, Talisman urges N.Y. August 10, 2010
Associated Press: EPA moves NY drilling hearing, expecting crowds August 10, 2010
Syracuse Post Standard: Fracking hearing scheduled for Thursday has been postponed August 10, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Crowd expected for EPA-hosted hearing on hydraulic fracturing August 8, 2010
New York Times blog: Reliance’s Big Bet on a Pricey Shale Deal August 5, 2010
Associated Press: Gas drilling moratorium passes NY Senate August 4, 2010
Auburn Citizen: As drilling debate heats up, a city revenue stream cools August
1, 2010
Kingston Daily Freeman: Don’t rush fracking rules, legislators urge August 1, 2010
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Marcellus Shale Coalition hires Ridge as adviser July 31, 2010
The Scranton Times Tribune: As water worries mount, researcher says Marcellus
Shale poses risk to air July 31, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin: No drilling lease? In some ways, it may not
matter July 29, 2010
Albany Times Union: Gas production drops as energy prices sag July 29, 2010
Pittsburgh Post Gazette: Better emergency response proposed for oil, gas wells July 27, 2010
The Scranton Times Tribune: Sen. Casey introduces another bill on gas drilling safety July 27, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin: Gas industry ups lobbying spending in New York July 26, 2010
Pittsburgh Business Times: Sen. Casey holds hearing on Marcellus well safety July 26, 2010
New York Daily News: Natural gas, unnatural risk July 25, 2010
New York Times: E.P.A. Considers Risks of Gas Extraction July 24, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Lots of money and plenty of worry in Marcellus Shale July 24, 2010
Star-Gazette: Water study targets gas drilling July 24, 2010
Daily Freeman: Gulf oil spill adds new wrinkle to fracking debate July 21, 2010
Press & Sun-Bulletin: Is Broome County getting a fair gas deal? Officials,
landowners weigh in July 16, 2010
Syracuse Post Standard: Skaneateles approves six-mon th ban on hydrofracking
July 16, 2010
The Ithaca Journal: PRI gets federal grant to enhance public education on drilling July 15, 2010
The Associated Press: Agency to reconsider natural gas drilling stoppage July 15, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer:$400,000 fine for Marcellus Shale blowout July 14, 2010
Wall Street Journal:Natural-Gas Driller to Disclose Chemical Use July 14, 2010
The Ithaca Journal: Gubernatorial candidates weigh in on gas drilling July 12, 2010
Wayne Independent: Tri-County coalition formed on Marcellus Shale July 12, 2010
Syracuse Post-Standard: How drilling companies won't take no for an answer July 11, 2010
The New York Times: Concerns Spread Over Environmental Costs of Producing Shale Gas July 9, 2010
Mid-Hudson News Network: Gillibrand wants environmental safeguards on Marcellus Shale mining July 8, 2010
The New York Times: Big Money Drives Up the Betting on the Marcellus Shale July 8, 2010
Elmira Star Gazette: Broome close to signing $16 million Marcellus Shale drilling rights deal July 8, 2010
NE Pennsylvania Times Leader: Website all about shale info July 7, 2010
The Ithaca Journal: Arcuri pushes bill regulating oil and gas industry July 6, 2010
ProPublica: A Fracking First in Pennsylvania: Cattle Quarantine July 2, 2010
Wall Street Journal: Challenges To Shale-Gas Drilling Mount In Pennsylvania July 1, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin: Drilling moratoriums face uphill battle in state Legislature June 30, 2010
Huffington Post: HBO Documentary: It's a Gas June 23, 2010
The Ithaca Journal: EPA plans gas-drilling meetings June 22, 2010
The New York Times: Muckraking Road Movie on Natural Gas Drilling June 21, 2010
Dallas Morning News: Dish Mayor Calvin Tillman says natural gas drilling is polluting his town June 21, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Lifton seeks uniform drilling review June 20, 2010
WBNG: Anti-Fracking Activists June 19, 2010
Times Herald-Record: Gas companies ramp up lobbying in NY, report says June 19, 2010
Reuters: Film challenges safety of US shale gas drilling June 17, 2010
The New York Times: Smart Moves on Drilling in New York June 17, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Residents want state to protect roads from gas-drilling trucks June 16, 2010
Mid-Hudson News: Area residents call for state moratorium on hydrofracking June 16, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: Delaware River panel extends its gas-drilling ban June 15, 2010
Legislative Gazette: Gas drilling bills progress in Assembly June 14, 2010
Ithaca Journal: N.Y. legislation would place one-year moratorium on gas drilling June 14, 2010
Rochester City Newspaper: Decision day on drilling moratorium in the Marcellus Shale June 14, 2010
Times Union: Does your *pension* fund fracking? June 12, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Opponents of gas drilling hold rally at Arnold Park June 12, 2010
Star-Gazette: NYC groups call for Marcellus Shale gas drilling moratorium June 11, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Landowners to Albany: Let the drilling begin June 10, 2010
The New York Times: Will New York Rebel Against Fracking? June 10, 2010
The New York Times: Chilling Images of Drilling’s Perils, Met by Numbed Eyes June 10, 2010
Oneida Dispatch: Expert explains perils and pitfalls of gas drilling June 10, 2010
WBNG: Rallying to Tap in to Gas Drilling June 9, 2010
Democrat and Chronicle: Pennsylvania's drilling experience could be a precursor for N.Y. state June 9, 2010
Huffington Post: The Threat to New York's Drinking Water June 9, 2010
WBNG: Lazio Wants To Drill June 8, 2010
Messenger Post: Gas drilling in NY: Prepare now or pay later June 8, 2010
Gannett: Drilling crews present problems, doctor tells Tompkins June 8, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Drilling fact and fiction June 8, 2010
The Morning Times: Libous: State needs ‘measured policy’ for gas drilling June 7, 2010
Citizens Voice: River advocate takes up fight against drilling June 7, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: Activist nuns bringing fracking to a vote June 6, 2010
Gannett: Bill to halt hydro-fracturing close to Assembly vote June 4, 2010
The Nation: The Next Drilling Disaster? June 3, 2010
River Reporter: Gas at a Glance June 3, 2010
Reuters: Green group says gas drilling threatens Delaware River June 2, 2010
Harrison Patch: Harrison Against NYS Hydraulic Fracturing June 1, 2010
Syracuse Post-Standard: Fracking Timeout: State Legislature should approve a moratorium now June 1, 2010
NY1: Opponents Of Upstate 'Fracking' Point To PA May 30, 2010
NY1: City's Watershed At Center Of Drilling Debate May 29, 2010
Steuben Courier: Task force to study drilling May 28, 2010
Syracuse New Times: Rock Opera May 27, 2010
Huffington Post: New York Has a Gas Problem: How Do You Spell Relief? May 27, 2010
The New York Times: Colo. Lawmaker Withdraws Natural Gas 'Fracking' Amendment to Water Bill May 26, 2010
Gannett: Environmentalists, natural gas firms spar over drilling in Marcellus
shale deposit May 26, 2010
Times Herald-Record: Catskill groups seek moratorium on gas drilling May 25, 2010
Gannett: Pa. seeks stronger drilling rules to combat methane migration May 23, 2010
Denton Record Chronicle: Voice, and reason May 23, 2010
WETM: Road Destruction in the Northern Tier May 20, 2010
Pop City: Pittsburgh researchers look for better ways to treat gas drilling wastewater May 19, 2010
Bloomberg: Natural-Gas Riches Entice New Yorkers to Risk Poisoning Water May 18, 2010
Times Herald-Record: ‘Silent majority' is pro-drilling May 18, 2010
WGBH: Natural Gas Impact May 17, 2010
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: State board recommends new gas drilling regulations May 17, 2010
Bedford-Katonah Patch: Drilling in the Marcellus Shale: Could it Affect Bedford’s Drinking Water? May 17, 2010
Wine Spectator: Drill Finger Lakes Drill? May 14, 2010
The Times-Tribune: DEP head asks gas drillers to comply with new rules May 14, 2010
The River Reporter: DRBC decision gets mixed reviews May 13, 2010
Wall Street Journal: Shale Gas Will Rock the World May 10, 2010
Wall Street Journal: Calm Before Natural-Gas Storm? May 10, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Misstatements about Marcellus May 10, 2010
Mid-Hudson News: DEP adds Marcellus shale feature to NYC.gov May 10, 2010
Mid-Hudson News: Assemblymen hold hearing on hydrofracking New York City Watershed May 7, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: Some Marcellus Shale drilling put on hold May 7, 2010
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Marcellus Shale drilling a concern May 6, 2010
The Buffalo News: Robert M. Ciesielski: New York can lead the way toward a cleaner future May 5, 2010
Gannett: Marcellus truck traffic not kind to Pa. roads May 3, 2010
Legislative Gazette: Thompson Says PA Trip Shows What Can Go Wrong with Drilling May 3, 2010
Syracuse Post-Standard: Some scientists say hydrofracking benefits outweigh risks May 2, 2010
News Channel 34: Seward on Drilling May 1, 2010
News Channel 34: Drilling Tour April 30, 2010
DC Bureau: New York DEC Staff Shorthanded to Reply to 14,000 Marcellus Shale Comments – Environmental Inspectors Down to 16 April 29, 2010
Elmira Star-Gazette: Chesapeake tries to dispel Marcellus Shale drilling fears April 29, 2010
Queens Tribune: Officials Hail Victory For City Water Safety April 29, 2010
Oneonta Daily Star: Drilling rules should be same in all parts of New York April 29, 2010
Syracuse New Times: Frack Attack April 28, 2010
The Villager:
Watershed moment on fracking? New well-review rule April 28, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: Gas drilling yields a gusher of hogwash April 28, 2010
Our Town: New Drilling Rules Announced April 28, 2010
Star-Gazette: Time, caution critical April 28, 2010
Star-Gazette: Casey wants EPA investigation of Pa. gas drilling April 26, 2010
Star-Gazette: Elmira-area motels see boost in business from Pa. gas drilling April 26, 2010
Albany Times-Union: Gas drill plan still offers peril April 25, 2010
Scranton Times-Tribune: Gas drilling having substantial, and sometimes surprising, economic impact April 24, 2010
Poughkeepsie Journal: States must go slowly on drilling April 24, 2010
Albany Times-Union: Watersheds shielded from gas drilling April 24, 2010
Corning Leader: Marcellus Shale: Drilling rules get tougher April 24, 2010
Daily News: DEC ruling is a big fracking deal April 23, 2010
Crain’s: City's watershed gains shield against gas drillers April 23, 2010
DNA Info: New State Rules Put An End to Controversial Fracking Plans For City's Watershed April 23, 2010
Syracuse Post-Standard: New York toughens rules, virtually bans gas drilling in Skaneateles Lake watershed April 23, 2010
Marcellus Effect: DEC to Give Some Watersheds Separate Environmental Review Process Before Drilling April 23, 2010
The New York Times: State Decision Blocks Drilling for Gas in Catskills April 23, 2010
AP: NY toughens rules on gas drilling in watersheds April 23, 2010
Reuters: NY ruling sets back gas drilling in watersheds April 23, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Specter of gas drilling stresses out Cornellians April 22, 2010
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Company works to clean up gas drilling April 21, 2010
Syracuse Post-Standard: Marcellus Shale: American Petroleum Institute ad draws questions April 21, 2010
Press and Sun-Bulletin: On natural gas drilling, Paterson says expediency will not outweigh safety April 20, 2010
Syracuse Post-Standard: Environmental Conservation Commissioner Pete Grannis says hydrofracking likely to begin in New York in spring or summer 2011 April 20, 2010
Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Pittsburgh protesters call for Marcellus freeze, severance tax April 20, 2010
Patriot-News: State's forests could pay high price for drilling of Marcellus Shale gas reserves, official warns April 19, 2010
Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Drilling plans fueling debate April 19, 2010
Green Muze: Ugly Reality of Fracking April 19, 2010
The Daily Star: Drilling regs could be final by fall April 19, 2010
Times-Union: New York officials watch action against gas driller April 19, 2010
Times-Union: If there's drilling, set bar high April 18, 2010
Newsday: Gas drilling debate rages in Del. River watershed April 17, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: Eminent domain an issue in siting Pa. gas lines April 16, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Local governments urged to team up to deal with gas issues April 15, 2010
Press and Sun-Bulletin: Gubernatorial candidate Levy supports gas drilling April 15, 2010
Press and Sun-Bulletin: N.Y. review of Marcellus hits snags April 15, 2010
Pittsburgh Business Times: Cabot ordered to stop drilling again April 15, 2010
KERA: Gas Drilling Road Trip For Texas Mayor April 14, 2010
The American Prospect: Drill, Maybe Drill? April 14, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Tompkins out of 'sweet spot' for Marcellus gas April 14, 2010
The Villager: Outpouring of safety concerns at forum on watershed drilling April 14, 2010
Elmira Star-Gazette: Dryden petitions seek limits on drilling April 13, 2010
Chesapeake Bay Journal: EPA to study impact of fracking on human health, groundwater April 13, 2010
Bloomberg: Prospects for shale drilling in state fade amid Paterson’s ethical woes April 12, 2010
ProPublica: Joaquin Sapien and Abrahm Lustgarten on the EPA and Gas Drilling April 12, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Company to drill Marcellus test wells in Chenango County April 11, 2010
Star-Gazette: County study says soil from gas drilling is safe April 11, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: Well, Well, Neighbor April 11, 2010
Sun-Bulletin: Company to drill Marcellus test wells in Chenango County April 11, 2010
Auburn Pub: Hydrofracking hits campaign trail April 10, 2010
Star-Gazette: Groups protest Marcellus Shale waste at Chemung County Landfill April 9, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: Shale concerns overblown April 9, 2010
Lancaster Farming: Proposed Gas Drilling in Marcellus Shale Continues to Spark Concern, Opposition April 9, 2010
Pollution Online: Water Quality Concerns Surface From Marcellus Shale Drilling In Pennsylvania April 9, 2010
Daily Politics: Levy And The Marcellus - Writing Off The City? April 8, 2010
Auburn Pub: Levy wants to be at top of GOP ticket April 8, 2010
Morning Times: Amid radiation debate, Marcellus waste provides economic boon for Pa. landfills April 8, 2010
WCAX: Watertown to dispose of gas well fracking fluid April 7, 2010
Solve Climate Blog: Cities Push Back as EPA Begins Study of Fracking's Impact on Water April 7, 2010
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Tighter controls pushed on Marcellus shale drilling April 7, 2010
Watertown Daily Times: City to accept fracking waste April 6, 2010
Star-Gazette: Lowman residents petition to stop Marcellus waste at landfill April 5, 2010
Pocono Record: Arrogance hardly helps drillers' goals April 5, 2010
Wilkes-Barre Times Leader: Test well water before Marcellus Shale gas drilling begins, experts advise April 5, 2010
Reuters: Natural gas boom brings riches to a rural town April 5, 2010
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Frack tour reveals details about natural gas operation April 4, 2010
Baltimore Sun: Cheap and plentiful shale gas might prove to be the real deal April 4, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: Pickens: Drilling isn't the answer April 4, 2010
Standard Speaker: Mud spill at drilling site contained April 3, 2010
Pike County Courier: Carney 'welcomes' feds fracking study April 2, 2010
The River Reporter: Gas at a Glance April 1, 2010
The Daily Collegian: Letter: Pennsylvania must take time with natural gas drilling April 1, 2010
Press & Sun Bulletin: Questions raised as landfill seeks to increase intake of Marcellus drilling waste April 1, 2010
Philadelphia Weekly Press: Philadelphia City Council calls for ban on natural gas drilling pending Environmental Impact Statement March 31, 2010
Business Week: Gas Drillers' New York Hopes Fade on Paterson Woes March 31, 2010
Canada Free Press: Secretary Chu Admits More Regulation Coming On Hydraulic Fracturing March 30, 2010
Wall Street Journal: Firms See 'Green' in Natural-Gas Production March 30, 2010
Bucknell University: Bucknell symposium to focus on impacts of Marcellus Shale drilling project March 29, 2010
Syracuse Post-Standard: Hydrofracking? People were drilling into Marcellus Shale here more than 90 years ago March 28, 2010
The Daily News: AG voices opinion - in 128-page report: Andrew Cuomo WOULD ban gas mining near watersheds March 28, 2010
Press and Sun-Bulletin: Marcellus Shale: Is it safe to drill? March 27, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Tompkins sees drilling in far different light March 27, 2010
Yale Environment 360: A Controversial Drilling Practice Hits Roadblock in New York City March 25, 2010
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: The EPA is right to study drilling's health impact March 24, 2010
Olean Times-Herald: Resolution passed prodding state to move forward with Marcellus Shale drilling March 23, 2010
Star-Gazette: Lazio: Go for the gas and cap property taxes March 23, 2010
Albany Times-Union: From Nature to Gas drilling March 23, 2010
Democrat and Chronicle: Marcellus shale controversy leads to EPA study March 23, 2010
AP: Report: Marcellus gas could 'disrupt' US market March 22, 2010
DC Bureau: Before the Massa Meltdown: An interview on the Marcellus Shale March 22, 2010
Press and Sun-Bulletin: EPA begins study to determine effects of hydraulic fracturing March 19, 2010
Star-Gazette: Marcellus will create thousands of jobs, forum speakers say March 19, 2010
Mid-Hudson News: Sullivan legislators say 'no' to hydrofracking, on county land March 19, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: Federal EPA to study hydraulic fracturing March 19, 2010
The Ithaca Journal: Gas-drilling practice to get federal scrutiny March 18, 2010
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Investigation is continuing into discharge March 18, 2010
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: EPA to study water pollution from Marcellus shale drilling March 18, 2010
The Business Insider: India's Richest Man Dying For A Piece Of The US Shale Gas Revolution March 17, 2010
Philadelphia Center City Weekly Press: Ninety people attend Sierra Club Marcellus Shale Debate March 17, 2010
Marketwatch: Mesa Energy Holdings, Inc. Names Former New York Governor George E. Pataki to the Advisory Board March 15, 2010
West Virginia Public Broadcasting: Bill to mandate stricter water reporting dies on final night March 15, 2010
Wilkes Barre Times-Leader: Tax on drillers a no-brainer, except to some March 14, 2010
Citizens Voice: Citizens group worried about water pollution March 13, 2010
Wilkes-Barre Times Leader: Area gas drilling a danger, activist says March 13, 2010
The Chimes: Hydraulic fracturing, more trouble than its worth? March 12, 2010
Delaware County Daily Times: Lawmakers urge against Marcellus Shale permits March 12, 2010
The Economist: An unconventional glut March 11, 2010
Audubon Magazine: Report says Proposed Fracking Law Won’t Stop Industry, House Investigates the Controversial Practice March 11, 2010
The New York Times: Natural Gas From Shale Plays Create 'New World' for Energy Industry March 11, 2010
Daily Yonder: Take the Gas, but Leave the Roads March 11, 2010
Huffington Post: Fracking in New York's Marcellus Shale; An Open Forum March 10, 2010
Star-Gazette: Group wants to force Pulteney supervisor to resign March 9, 2010
Mid-Hudson News: Marcellus Shale gas mining discussed at forum March 9, 2010
The Patriot News: Legislators, activists call for halt to leasing state forest land for Marcellus Shale gas drilling March 9, 2010
Press Connects: Broome County considers fees for overweight trucks March 8, 2010
Press Release: Council Member Jim Gennaro Stands Up For NYC Water Consumers at Upstate Gas Drilling Forum March 8, 2010
National Resources Defense Council: Flurry of Events in NY Demonstrates Enormous Public Concern over Marcellus Shale Drilling March 8, 2010
Pocono Record: Marcellus Shale drilling pros, cons presented at forum March 7, 2010
The Patriot-News: What we can learn from Texas: Shale gas drilling do's and don'ts March 6, 2010
Platt’s Gas Daily: Anti-fracking bills face chaotic session in Albany March 6, 2010
Syracuse Post-Standard: Onondaga County legislators ask Gov. David Paterson to ban Hydrofracking until Further Study March 5, 2010
Treehugger: ProPublica on Fracking, the Marcellus Shale and Natural Gas March 4, 2010
Cornell Daily Sun: Groups Work Together to Fight Hydrofracking March 2, 2010
City Hall News: Legislators In Albany And New York Float Hydrofracking Bills March 1, 2010
Scientific American: Fracking to Free Natural Gas? February 28, 2010
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Marcellus shale could be a boom or bane for land owners February 28, 2010
ProPublica: New Yorkers’ Drilling Comments Are In … Now What? February 26, 2010
Food Safety News: Drilling Could Threaten Drinking Water February 26, 2010
The River Reporter: PA state agencies cite Marcellus concerns February 25, 2010
Press and Sun-Bulletin: Local engineering firm taking advantage of Marcellus development February 25, 2010
Democrat and Chronicle: Eric Massa foe backs shale drilling February 24, 2010
NPR: Natural Gas As A Climate Fix Sparks Friction February 23, 2010
WNED: Marcellus Shale Gas Extraction Raises Health Concerns February 23, 2010
Star Gazette: Reed opposes placing new regulations on natural gas drillers February 23, 2010
Press and Sun Bulletin: Landowners rejecting plan for gas pipeline February 23, 2010
The Ithaca Journal: Spills of drilling chemicals worry experts February 23, 2010
Rochester City Newspaper: Fracking fracture over Marcellus Shale February 23, 2010
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Gas well foes vow to fight Rendell February 22, 2010
Globe and Mail: Shale gas drillers face scrutiny in US February 22, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: Threat of gas drilling to Pa. State Forests weighed February 21, 2010
Syracuse Post-Standard: Plan to truck hydrofracking wastewater to Finger Lakes shelved, for now February 21, 2010
Corning Leader: DISH, Texas mayor: Take local control of gas drilling February 21, 2010
Washington Examiner: EPA official says no evidence states aren't properly regulating hydraulic fracturing February 20, 2010
AP: House Panel to Investigate Hydraulic Fracturing February 19, 2010
Reuters: Water waste a kink in New York shale gas future February 19, 2010
WICZ: Effects of Texas Drilling February 19, 2010
Washington Post: Natural gas may help cut emissions February 19, 2010
Finger Lake Times: Chesapeake bows out February 18, 2010
Finger Lake Times: Kolb talks landfills, hydrofracking February 18, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Texas mayor offers warning about natural gas drilling February 18, 2010
Times Herald-Record: Bonacic, NYC in face-off over gas-drilling ban February 18, 2010
Sun-Gazette: New ventures in natural gas may take Tioga County from ‘rags to riches’ February 18, 2010
Capitol News: Environmentalists Split Over Marcellus Shale Hydrofracking February 17, 2010
Reuters: Q+A-Environmental fears over U.S. shale gas drilling February 17, 2010
Press and Sun-Bulletin: Owego wastewater plan hits snag February 17, 2010
The Star-Gazette: Anadarko, Mitsui agree to Marcellus Shale venture February 17, 2010
Free Press and Courier: Is flowback and waste from gas drilling radioactive? February 17, 2010
News Channel 34: Dish, Texas Mayor to Talk February 17, 2010
The Daily Star: More than 120 attend meeting on gas drilling February 16, 2010
Press and Sun-Bulletin: Chesapeake withdraws application for drilling waste disposal February 16, 2010
The Cornell Daily Sun: University Denies Conflict of Interest February 16, 2010
The Cornell Daily Sun Weak Drilling Regulation: A Big Frackin’ Problem February 15, 2010
The Star-Gazette: Pulteney officials, residents rally against waste plan February 14, 2010
Dallas Morning News: Dish mayor puts fear of frack into natural gas industry February 12, 2010
Corning Leader: Chesapeake responds to question February 11, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: Shale group: Rendell tax unfair, Pa. laws outdated February 11, 2010
News Channel 34: Waiting for Drilling to Start February 10, 2010
Press and Sun-Bulletin: EPA launches Marcellus Shale watchdog program February 10, 2010
Reuters: Penn. seeks 5 pct-plus tax on shale gas output February 9, 2010
The Ithaca Journal: Governor's budget could reduce DEC pollution monitoring, critics charge February 8, 2010
Corning Leader: Hundreds turn out to oppose wastewater facility February 8, 2010
AP: Texas town deals with byproducts of gas drilling February 7, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: Family's dilemma: Gas rights vs. black heritage February 7, 2010
Muckety: Fracking in the Finger Lakes February 5, 2010
News 10 Now: Town of Maine coalition signs $18 million drilling lease February 5, 2010
American Thinker: Cheap Natural Gas and Its Democrat Enemies February 4, 2010
Reuters: US natgas drillers to fight Pennsylvania tax plan February 4, 2010
Syracuse Post-Standard: Onondaga County Legislature bans hydrofracking on county property February 2, 2010
Auburn Citizen: County to hold public meeting on Marcellus Shale gas drilling February 2, 2010
The Washington Post: Gas drilling in Appalachia yields a foul byproduct February 2, 2010
Legislative Gazette: Senate hopeful protests against hydrofracking February 1, 2010
Legislative Gazette: Debate explores both sides of drilling issue February 1, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: The sudden emergence of the shale-gas frenzy January 31, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: Pa. to hire more oil and gas drilling inspectors January 29, 2010
Star-Gazette: Schuyler officials study potential impact of natural gas drilling January 27, 2010
Rochester City Newspaper: Plan to boost drilling monitors may not go far enough January 26, 2010
The Corning Leader: 35 local opponents make case at natural gas rally January 26, 2010
Times Herald-Record: Both sides in gas-drilling dispute rally in Albany January 26, 2010
Empire State News: Tompkins gas drilling concerns featured at Albany session January 26, 2010
Reuters: NYC's Bloomberg opposes gas drilling in watershed January 25, 2010
Syracuse Post-Standard: New York protesters divided over natural gas drilling January 25, 2010
Press and Sun-Bulletin: Stakeholders in gas-drilling debate air opinions in Albany January 25, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Dueling demonstrations: Groups rally in Albany for and against Marcellus Shale drilling January 25, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Robertson, Lifton among Ithaca contingent at Albany anti-gas-drilling rally January 25, 2010
Olean Times-Herald: Rep. Massa states views at meeting January 24, 2010
Times Herald-Record: Competing Albany rallies set for Monday January 24, 2010
Shreveport Times: Debate over fracking continues January 24, 2010
The Cornell Sun: Univ. Officials: No Plans to Lease Cornell Land for Gas Drilling January 21, 2010
The Star-Gazette: Paterson proposes tax on Marcellus gas extraction, soda in state budget January 19, 2010
The Observer-Dispatch: Interest runs high in gas-drilling plans January 16, 2010
The Ithaca Journal: Dryden residents plan drilling protests January 15, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: Driller ordered to halt Marcellus work over water permits January 14, 2010
The Post-Standard: Onondaga County bans hydrofracking on its property January 13, 2010
WXXI: Debate Continues Over Shale Plan January 12, 2010
The Post-Standard: Syracuse urges state DEC to ban hydrofracking in the Skaneateles Lake watershed January 12, 2010
The Ithaca Journal: DEC commissioner: Gas spill reports misleading January 11, 2010
Press and Sun-Bulletin: Officials surprised to find Binghamton-Johnson City treatment plant as end point for fracking waste January 11, 2010
Times Herald-Record: State ban on gas drilling unlikely January 11, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: 'Fracking' Under Pressure January 10, 2010
Press and Sun-Bulletin: Revving up: Energy companies poised to drill Marcellus Shale in N.Y. January 10, 2010
Frederick News-Post: We know the drill January 9, 2010
Mid-Hudson News: Hinchey continues push for safe gas drilling in Marcellus shale January 8, 2010
The Epoch Times: Upstate Drilling Endangers NY’s Water, Say Groups January 7, 2010
The Journal News: Due diligence on water supply January 6, 2010
Syracuse Post Standard: Gas Drilling Debate: Gov. David Paterson must step up to protect environment January 6, 2010
Auburn Citizen: City may search for natural gas January 6, 2010
Reuters: Chesapeake says NY could drive away gas drillers January 5, 2010
New York Daily News: Critics drill Gov. Paterson on water plan January 5, 2010
The Ithaca Journal: Cornell grad creates detailed guide to fracking January 4, 2010
WXXI: Environmentalists Threaten Shale Suit January 4, 2010
DNAinfo: City Council Speaker Christine Quinn Joins the Fight Against Fracking January 4, 2010
Syracuse Post-Standard: Tioga County man blames nearby gas drilling for polluting his well January 2, 2010
Voice of America: Environmental Concerns Rise in Northeastern Pennsylvania as Natural Gas Drilling Spreads January 2, 2010
Reuters: EPA questions New York state plan to drill for shale gas December 31, 2009
The Times Tribune: Gas driller cited for violation after environmentalist takes photos December 31, 2009
Empire State News: EPA says latest dSGEIS on natural gas fracturing is inadequate December 31, 2009
The New York Times: E.P.A., Concerned Over Gas Drilling, Questions New York State’s Plans December 30, 2009
Albany Times-Union: Sen. Thompson to DEC: Extend hydrofracking comment period December 30, 2009
Reuters: U.S. states strive to regulate shale gas industry December 30, 2009
Daily Freeman: Backers of natural gas drilling press Paterson December 30, 2009
Brooklyn Eagle: Brooklyn Campaign On Watershed Drilling Gets Boost From City December 29, 2009
Ithaca Journal: Hinchey calls for closer study before allowing Marcellus drilling December 29, 2009
Ithaca Journal: DEC union asks for more study before permitting gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale December 29, 2009
Syracuse Post-Standard: As NY mulls hydrofracking regulations, gas companies lease land in CNY watersheds December 28, 2009
Politico: New gas wells leave more chemicals in ground December 27, 2009
Empire State News: Tompkins municipal officials take local natural gas concerns to Albany December 26, 2009
Star Gazette: Assessor: Drilling will have impact on property value but what kind of
impact is hard to predict December 26, 2009
CounterPunch: My Moral Dilemma for Hydrofracking December 25, 2009
Examiner: Gas drilling is coming to Luzerne County: will residents be protected? December 25, 2009
The New York Times: City Officials Say Drilling in Watershed Has Risks December 24, 2009
New York Daily News: Gas drilling near upstate reservoirs imperils our water, Mayor Bloomberg says December 24, 2009
Voice of America: Gas Drilling Plan Raises Water Contamination Fears in New York City December 24, 2009
Times Herald-Record: DEP: Drilling risks 'unacceptable' December 24, 2009
Mid-Hudson News: Hinchey outlines 11 steps he says are needed before Marcellus Shale drilling December 24, 2009
The Albany Times-Union: Fresh slap at drilling rules December 24, 2009
The Finger Lake Times: Environmental group: DEC is short-staffed December 23, 2009
New York 1: Officials Call For Ban On Gas Drilling Upstate December 23, 2009
The Ithaca Journal: Cornell will not consider gas drilling leases without safeguards December 23, 2009
The New York Times: City Officials Say Drilling in Watershed Has Risks December 24, 2009
NY Daily News: Gas drilling near upstate reservoirs imperils our water, Mayor Bloomberg says December 24, 2009
Albany Times-Union: Fresh slap at drilling rules December 24, 2009
The Ithaca Journal: Common Council seeks withdrawal of drilling draft December 24, 2009
Times Herald-Record: DEP: Drilling risks 'unacceptable' December 24, 2009
Finger Lake Times: Environmental group: DEC is short-staffed December 23, 2009
The Ithaca Journal: Cornell will not consider gas drilling leases without safeguards December 23, 2009
NY1: Officials Call For Ban On Gas Drilling Upstate December 23, 2009
Fox 40: Hinchey's Stance On Natural Gas Drilling December 23, 2009
The Wall Street Journal: Sierra Club’s Pro-Gas Dilemma December 21, 2009
Daily Mail: Exxon venture may be prelude December 21, 2009
The Ithaca Journal: Model for mining safely December 21, 2009
Laredo Sun: Gas 'gold rush' ignites in rural New York December 20, 2009
The Ithaca Journal: Analysts: Marcellus to produce fuel of choice December 20, 2009
West Side Spirit: Local Push Against Upstate Drilling December 18, 2009
Empire State News: Tompkins Council of Governments comments on natural gas drilling December 18, 2009
Times Herald-Record: New state energy plan touts natural gas December 18, 2009
Mid-Hudson News: Marcellus shale gas must be extracted in environmentally safe manner, says Cahill December 18, 2009
River Reporter: Gas at a Glance December 17, 2009
WVNS: Environmentalists Seek More Regulation for Marcellus Drilling December 17, 2009
The New York Times: State Energy Plan Promotes Clean, Efficient Alternatives December 16, 2009
Albany Times-Union: State energy plan: less is more December 16, 2009
Altoona Mirror: Opinions Differ on How to Regulate Marcellus Shale December 16, 2009
Business Week: Natural Gas: New Environmental Rules Could Cloud Prospects December 15, 2009
WBNG 12: Seward Sponsors Water Protection Bill December 15, 2009
Ithaca Journal: Governor issues state energy plan focusing on cleaner power December 15, 2009
The Ithaca Journal: Tompkins lawmakers decry Marcellus statement's language December 15, 2009
The Ithaca Journal: Finger Lakes Land Trust opposes gas drilling plan December 14, 2009
The Philadelphia Inquirer: Susquehanna residents wary of gas-drilling operation December 13, 2009
The Post-Standard: A fortune in natural gas lies under Upstate New York forest December 13, 2009
The Ithaca Journal: Dryden questions DEC action on drilling request December 13, 2009
The Ithaca Journal: Politicians choose sides in Marcellus Shale drilling debate December 13, 2009
The Ithaca Journal: Cornell team concludes DEC ill-equipped to oversee natural gas drilling December 11, 2009
The Philadelphia Inquirer: Monitors to check streams in gas-drilling areas December 10, 2009
The Ithaca Journal: Tompkins legislators wants gas drilling to wait December 9, 2009
The Ithaca Journal: Tompkins environmental group urges conservation to reduce natural gas demand December 9, 2009
The Village Voice: Another Creepy Story About the Threat to New Yorkers' Drinking Water December 9, 2009
Mid-Hudson News: Environmental groups ask governor to throw out Marcellus Shale DEIS December 9, 2009
The New York Times: Dark Side of a Natural Gas Boom December 8, 2009
Times Herald-Record: Modest proposal to delay drilling deserves approval December 8, 2009
Star-Gazette: Chesapeake, Schlumberger fined for acid spill during fracking December 7, 2009
Record Online: Coalition of Organizations Wants Ban on Gas Drilling December 7, 2009
Star-Gazette: Tests Show High Concentration of Radioactive Waste in Marcellus December 6, 2009
ProPublica: Environmentalists: Revise Gas Drilling Review? Nope – Repeal It! December 4, 2009
WNYC: Environmental Groups Step Up Campaign Against Natural Gas Drilling December 4, 2009
Albany Times-Union: Green Groups Want Drilling Freeze December 4, 2009
Public Education Center DC Bureau: The Marcellus Shale: New York is the Natural Gas Industry’s New Lab Rat December 4, 2009
Public Education Center DC Bureau: The Perils of New York’s Gas For Cash December 3, 2009
CNNMoney: The Domestic Drilling Backlash December 3, 2009
Sun Gazette: Legislators: Balance Needed to Protect Environment December 2, 2009
Philadelphia Inquirer: Tighter Rein Urged on Pa. Gas Drilling December 1, 2009
Ithaca Journal: Lifton Calls for Full Review of N.Y. Drilling Regulations November 30, 2009
Ithaca Journal: Summit of Local Leaders Discusses Pros, Cons of Gas Drilling November 30, 2009
The Villager: Pols, water activists pour it on for drilling ban November 27, 2009
The New York Times: At Odds Over Land, Money and Gas November 27, 2009
The Villager: Duane: Protect State’s Water November 25, 2009
Corning Leader: Fortuna used Deceptive Tactics November 25, 2009
Counterpunch: Poisoning Dimock November 24, 2009
Ithaca Journal: N.Y. Penalizes Gas-Drilling Firm November 24, 2009
Ithaca Journal: Ithaca Firm Petitions to Extend Moratorium November 23, 2009
News Channel 34: Drilling Nightmare for Woman November 23, 2009
Patriot-News: Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Drilling Creates Need for Wastewater Treatment Facilities November 22, 2009
Star-Gazette: Gas Drilling Resolution no Easy Road November 22, 2009
Philadelphia Inquirer: Seismic Rumbles in the Forests November 22, 2009
Philadelphia Inquirer: Pa. Residents Sue Gas Driller over Polluted Drinking Water November 22, 2009
Empire State News: State Urged to Withdraw Drilling Regulatory Plan November 21, 2009
Reuters: Pennsylvania Residents Sue Over Gas Drilling November 20, 2009
ProPublica: Pa. Residents Sue Gas Driller for Contamination, Health Concerns November 20, 2009
Cornell Daily Sun: Ithacans Voice Drilling Concerns November 20, 2009
Stuyvesant Spectator: Public Natural Gas Drilling Hearing Held at Stuyvesant November 19, 2009
The Daily Item: Gas Drilling Raises Environmental Concerns November 17, 2009
The Indypendent: New Yorkers Rally at Lone City Hearing on Hydro-Fracking November 16, 2009
Downtown Express: ‘Kill the drill’ and Protect the Water, Protesters Say November 13, 2009
ProPublica: New Yorkers Tell State Enviro Department: ‘No Fracking Way’ November 11, 2009
The Villager: Start of a Sea Change in the Water-Drilling Debate November 11, 2009
Huffington Post: Protecting New York City's Water Supply from Gas Companies November 11, 2009
WNYC: New Yorkers Speak Out at Gas Drilling Hearing November 11, 2009
ProPublica: Congress Tells EPA to Study Hydraulic Fracturing November 10, 2009
Times Herald-Record: NYC Rally Aims to Stop Drilling in Watershed November 10, 2009
Reuters: Pennsylvania Lawsuit Says Drilling Polluted Water November 9, 2009
ProPublica: Is New York’s Marcellus Shale Too Hot to Handle? November 9, 2009
ProPublica: Pennsylvania Tells Drilling Company to Clean Up Its Act November 6, 2009
Brooklyn Eagle: Brooklyn Legislators Support ‘Kill the Drill’ Campaign November 5, 2009
News Channel 34: At Gillibrand’s Urging, NYS to Extend Public Comment Period on Marcellus Shale Drilling November 5, 2009
Huffington Post: State Must End Threat to NYC's Drinking Water November 4, 2009
ProPublica: Public Gets More Time to Comment on New York’s Gas Drilling Plans November 4, 2009
ProPublica: Does Chesapeake’s No-Drilling Pledge Do Enough to Protect NYC’s Watershed? November 3, 2009
ProPublica: With Natural Gas Drilling Boom, Pennsylvania Faces an Onslaught of Wastewater November 3, 2009
Crain’s: The New Gold Rush November 1, 2009
The Indypendent: Drilling Deep Into Controversy October 30, 2009
ProPublica: Feisty Audience Tackles Natural Gas Drilling Report October 29, 2009
Pro Publica: Company Won’t Drill in NYC Watershed October 28, 2009
Rochester City Newspaper: Shale Drilling Concerns Evolve October 28, 2009
The New York Times: Gas Company Won’t Drill in New York Watershed October 27, 2009
Reuters: NYC Officials Urge Gas Drilling Ban in Watersheds October 23, 2009
ProPublica: New York City Hints at Anti-Drilling Stance October 23, 2009
ProPublica: New York Drilling Study a Step Forward October 22, 2009
The Daily Mail: DEC Shale Drilling Rules up for Comment October 20, 2009
Gannett: Marcellus Shale Question: Who Will Pay to Monitor Gas Drilling? October 10, 2009
The Villager: Politicians, enviro groups call for a drilling ban in watershed October 7, 2009
ProPublica: Gas Execs Call for Disclosure of Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing October 2, 2009
Albany Times-Union: Ideas Floated on Water-Use Policy October 2, 2009
WNYC: Officials Concerned Over Natural Gas Drilling in Catskills Region October 2, 2009
Governing Magazine: Is Hydrofracking for Natural Gas Worth the Risk? October 2009
Newsday: NY Regulators Release Gas Drilling Rules September 30, 2009
ProPublica: New York State Paves Way for Gas Drilling With Release of Environmental Review September 30, 2009
Reuters: Penn. Orders Cabot Oil to Shut Natgas Fracturing September 25, 2009
ProPublica: Pennsylvania Orders Cabot Oil and Gas to Stop Fracturing in Troubled County September 25, 2009
Gannett: Marcellus Shale: A tale of Two Cities September 19, 2009
City Limits: City Wants Answers, Input on Upstate Drill Plan September 21, 2009
Gannett: Marcellus Regulations Delayed September 16, 2009
Reuters: U.S. finds Water Polluted near Gas-Drilling Sites August 27, 2009
ProPublica: EPA: Chemicals Found in Wyo. Drinking Water Might Be From Fracking August 25, 2009
Newsweek: A Toxic Spew? August 20, 2009
The River Reporter: Gas Drilling Gap ‘On the Ground’ August 13, 2009
Gannett: Paterson Offers Draft Energy Plan August 11, 2009
ProPublica: More Gas Contamination Affects Pennsylvania Residents August 4, 2009
ProPublica: Water Problems From Drilling Are More Frequent Than PA Officials Said July 31, 2009
ProPublica: Energy Industry Sways Congress With Misleading Data July 8, 2009
ProPublica: Natural Gas Politics May 26, 2009
Albany Times-Union: Is Gas Mining Worth the Risk? April 28, 2009
ProPublica: Officials in Three States Pin Water Woes on Gas Drilling April 26, 2009
Reuters: Pennsylvania says Natgas Drilling Risks Inevitable March 20, 2009
Sullivan County Democrat: Grassroots Group Focused on Drilling March 10, 2009
ProPublica: Where Things Stand: Environmental Pitfalls of Drilling for Natural Gas in the U.S. December 29, 2009
ProPublica: NYC: Gas Drilling Will Raise the Cost of Water by 30 Percent December 16, 2008
ProPublica: NYC Wants Consultants to Probe Effect of Gas Drilling on Drinking Water November 25, 2008
ProPublica: Buried Secrets: Is Natural Gas Drilling Endangering U.S. Water Supplies? November 13, 2008
ProPublica: Fractured Relations—New York City Sees Drilling as Threat to Its Water Supply August 6, 2008
ProPublica: Despite New York’s Order for Environmental Review, Gas Drilling May Proceed July 24, 2008
ProPublica: Governor Signs Drilling Bill But Orders Environmental Update July 23, 2008
ProPublica: New York’s Gas Rush Poses Environmental Threat July 22, 2008
ProPublica: New York State Tightens Drilling Controls July 22, 2008
Albany Times Union: Commentary: Let towns have a say about drilling February 29, 2012
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Hydrofracking: What is it Really and Should We Be Concerned? February 26, 2012
Albany Times Union: A lull, but a need for vigilance February 11, 2012
Albany Times Union: A hydrofracking crisis awaits February 7, 2012
Corning Leader: Hold drillers ‘responsible’ February 6, 2012
Democrat and Chronicle: Hydrofracking gets a higher profile, still has high stakes January 30, 2012
New York Daily News: Put limits on fracking for shale gas January 17, 2012
Poughkeepsie Journal: State has a lot to consider on fracking January 17, 2012
New York Times: Getting Gas Drilling Right December 11, 2011
Journal News: Concerns linger over fracking December 4, 2011
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Don't move too quickly to permit hydrofracking in N.Y. November 20, 2011
Times Herald-Record: Politics, not science, guiding drilling regs November 9, 2011
Albany Times Union: Pollution? What pollution? October 19, 2011
Poughkeepsie Journal: Drilling impact would be heavy October 18, 2011
Albany Times Union: Let's not mess with what now works October 10, 2011
Newsday: Editorial: A misstep for fracking in NY October 5, 2011
Poughkeepsie Journal: Editorial: Look beyond drilling job numbers September 20, 2011
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Regulations must mitigate drilling's effects on infrastructure September 12, 2011
New York Times: Too Fast on Drilling September 12, 2011
New York Daily News: Gov. Cuomo must guarantee safety of city's watershed before he permits hydrofracking upstate September 12, 2011
Times Herald Record: Fracking is coming; will New York state be ready? September 9, 2011
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Allow citizens open forum on drilling August 26, 2011
Albany Times Union: Gas fund gives cover to Cuomo August 22, 2011
New York Times: The Debate on Fracturing August 21, 2011
Albany Times Union: Perfectly safe? Apparently not August 5, 2011
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: State's hydrofracking precautions aren't good enough July 31, 2011
Albany Times Union: Let's set the bar sky high July 11, 2011
New York Times: Safe, Not Sorry, on Drilling July 9, 2011
Kingston Daily Freeman: Not yet on hydrofracking July 7, 2011
Buffalo News: Don't rush fracking July 7, 2011
Poughkeepsie Journal: Editorial: In N.Y., fracking process must be thorough July 6, 2011
Utica Observer-Dispatch: Education key in debate over hydrofracking May 28, 2011
Post-Standard: Fracking Waste: If it’s hazardous, it should be handled as such May 27, 2011
Poughkeepsie Journal: State must be clear on gas drilling May 24, 2011
Messenger Post: Editorial: ’Fracking fight a good case for ethics reform May 11, 2011
Journal News: Editorial: Guess who's funding the gas drillers May 10, 2011
Utica Observer-Dispatch: Our view: Fracking fight good case for ethics reform May 3, 2011
The Journal News: Fracking mishap a wake-up call April 24, 2011
Auburn Citizen: Our View: Wastewater from drilling needs a closer look April 22, 2011
Poughkeepsie Journal: Editorial: State must take hard look at natural-gas drilling April 5, 2011
New York Times: Natural Gas and Clean Water March 23, 2011
Glens Falls Post Star: Hydrofracking carries too many unknowns February 13, 2011
Forbes blog: New York's Ban On Gas Fracking: Time For Drillers To Shoulder The Burden Of Proof December 13, 2010
Journal News: New York draws a line in the Shale December 1, 2010
The Corning Leader: No fracking in N.Y. November 23, 2010
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin Look to Pa. for reasons not to drill November 6, 2010
Elmira Star-Gazette: Hydrofracking 'fact' doesn't bear up to scrutiny November 1, 2010
Syracuse Post-Standard: Go Slowly: Pennsylvania's experience calls for cautious approach to hydrofracking in New York October 11, 2010
New York Times: Questions About Fracturing September 21, 2010
Oneonta Daily Star: Hearings on drilling important September 20, 2010
Poughkeepsie Journal: Gas drilling gets needed scrutiny September 19, 2010
Albany Times Union: No hydrofracking for now September 15, 2010
Albany Times Union: Let us beware of shortcuts August 16, 2010
Poughkeepsie Journal: Editorial: 'Fracking' can wait a bit longer August 14, 2010
Kingston Daily Freeman: EDITORIAL: The hydrofracking debate August 1, 2010
Philadelphia Inquirer: Staying green June 21, 2010
Times Union: Move forward on Marcellus shale plans June 19, 2010
Poughkeepsie Journal: Editorial: Don't rush plans for shale drilling June 16, 2010
Buffalo News: Use caution on gas drilling June 8, 2010
Times-Union: Consequences by the gallon June 8, 2010
Queens Chronicle: Drinking water protection wins out over gas industry April 29, 2010
Daily News: A pain in the gas: Dicey drilling technique must be kept far from city's reservoirs April 22, 2010
Danville News: Cabot provides cautionary tale of drilling danger April 16, 2010
Star-Gazette: Marcellus Shale task force a good idea April 11, 2010
Albany Times-Union: Drill down, to the truth April 7, 2010
The New York Times: Finding Natural Gas, Safely March 28, 2010
Star-Gazette: Skewed view of gas drilling March 25, 2010
Auburn Citizen: Fracking dangerous to lakes, groundwater March 20,2010
Ithaca Journal: Not so fast on gas exploration March 19, 2010
Buffalo News: We must take full advantage of Marcellus Shale March 15, 2010
Press and Sun-Bulletin: DEC standards high February 28, 2010
Auburn Citizen: Fracking endangers country's clean water February 27, 2010
Star-Gazette: Marcellus shallow in NY February 27, 2010
Star-Gazette: Marcellus drilling creates new world February 23, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Nozzolio's position commendable February 23, 2010
Syracuse Post-Standard: Hydrofracking negatives outweigh the positives February 22, 2010
The Philadelphia Inquirer: Marcellus rush echoes history of recklessness January 20, 2010
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: All hail the shale: Give us our share January 17, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Withdraw drilling regulations January 15, 2010
New York Daily News: Protect New York's water: Frackers must not endanger city's reservoirs January 11, 2009
Albany Times-Union: Still too early to start drilling January 10, 2010
Ithaca Journal: Lifelong environmental respect January 7, 2010
Star-Gazette: Be cautious about wells January 7, 2010
The New York Times: Hands Off the Watershed January 2, 2009
Journal News: Steep environmental costs to tapping Marcellus shale for gas December 28, 2009
Auburn Citizen: Homeowners should learn about drilling December 27, 2009
Citizen’s Voice: Apply lessons of coal era to Marcellus Shale drilling December 24, 2009
West Side Spirit: The Dangers of Drilling December 18, 2009
Ithaca Journal: Fracking Benefits Doubtful December 18, 2009
Star-Gazette: Let DEC Process Play Out December 15, 2009
Press and Sun-Bulletin: Lessons on Gas Drilling December 12, 2009
Times Herald-Record: Modest proposal to delay drilling deserves approval December 8, 2009
The New York Times: Drilling in the Watershed December 9, 2009
Record Online: Coalition of organizations wants ban on gas drilling December 7, 2009
Star-Gazette: Tests show high concentration of radioactive waste in Marcellus December 6, 2009
Albany Times-Union: Use Time to Prepare for Drilling December 6, 2009
Observer-Reporter: Drainage from Mines Threat to all Streams December 4, 2009
The Times-Tribune: Wrong Job for Amateurs December 2, 2009
Auburn Citizen: Finch Survey on Gas Exploration a Joke November 30, 2009
Patriot-News: More 'Testing the Waters' Needed in Pennsylvania November 15, 2009
Patriot-News: Marcellus Shale Drilling is Biggest Threat to Pennsylvania Wilds November 14, 2009
The River Reporter: The Gap Between Theory and Practice November 12, 2009
Albany Times-Union: A Drilling Chant: Slow, Baby, Slow November 6, 2009
Ithaca Journal: Think Before Signing Drilling Lease November 4, 2009
The Daily News: Pass on this Gas: Energy Prospectors can't be Allowed to Imperil City's Water Supply November 2, 2009
Philadelphia Inquirer: Shale Game November 2, 2009
The New York Times: A Watershed Decision October 28, 2009
The New York Post: Drilling -- and, Maybe, Killing October 23, 2009
Albany Times-Union: Safe Drilling, or Risky Business? October 21, 2009
Albany Times-Union: Why the Big Rush Toward Gas Drilling? October 20, 2009
The New York Times: Shale and Our Water October 16, 2009
The New York Times: Where Water Trumps Energy October 15, 2008
Letter to DEC RE: Scoping Hearings on Gas Drilling in the Marcellus Shale November 24, 2008
Letter to DEC Commissioner Pete Grannis March 18, 2009
Press Releases
Urging DEC To Ban Gas Drilling In The Marcellus Shale November 28, 2008
Announcing the formation of the ‘Kill the Drill Campaign’ October 1, 2009
Manhattan Community Board and Political Club Resolutions
Ansonia Independent Democrats Resolution Supporting a Moratorium on Gas Drilling in New York State
Three Parks Democrats Resolution on Gas Drilling
Community Board 2: Resolution calling on the New York State Legislature, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and New York State Governor David Paterson to PROHIBIT DRILLING FOR NATURAL GAS WITHIN NEW YORK STATE March 2009
Community Board 3: Resolution Regarding Drilling in Marcellus Shale and Impact on NYS Water Supply April 2009
Community Board 4: Letter to Governor Paterson and DEC Commissioner Pete Grannis Re: Hydraulic fracturing gas drilling in the watershed area May 2009
Community Board 5: Resolution on the Prohibition of Hydraulic Fracturing and Other Drilling Methods for Extracting Natural Gas within New York State November 2009
Community Board 6: Prohibit Natural Gas Drilling Within the Boundaries of the Watershed of the New York City Drinking Water Supply April 2009
Community Board 7: Banning Natural Gas Drilling in NYC’s Upstate Watershed and Elsewhere in New York State April 7, 2009
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
New York City Department of Environmental Protection
National Resources Defense Council
Damascus Citizens for Sustainability
Binghamton Regional Sustainability Coalition
Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy
Environmental Advocates of New York
Tompkins County Gas Accountability Project
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