Our Work Continues

Daniel L. Squadron

March 28, 2013

As Albany wraps up this year's budget, I wanted to share a few updates:

  • I'm proud to have created the first-ever dedicated state funding for Nurse-Family Partnership -- a vital program for first-time mothers -- and in this year's budget we secured $2 million for the program. We also secured critical funds for initiatives like Summer Youth Employment and programs to combat homelessness.
  • While the budget does include a minimum wage increase, it's unacceptable that it's not immediate and that it's not indexed to inflation. Having a job and working hard should make it possible to provide a decent life for you and your family -- and I'll keep pushing for an appropriate minimum wage that increases with the cost of living.
  • Our fight to save Long Island College Hospital continues -- and we brought it all the way to the Senate floor during the budget debate to push for vital community input on LICH and Downstate's future.
  • And even though they weren't in the budget, I'll continue to fight to pass my bill to reform the in-plain-view marijuana statute and the inconsistent way it's enforced; for the DREAM Act, so that NY remains a gateway to opportunity for all; and for speed cameras to make the roads safer for all.

Input from New Yorkers like you is what shapes these priorities. Please come out to make your voice heard at my
Fifth Annual Community Convention -- Sunday, April 28th from 2PM to 5PM at BMCC.

Click here to learn more and RSVP.

Hope to see you on April 28th!