Senator Farley Greets Hillside Elementary Students
Hugh T. Farley
June 5, 2013

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I – Schenectady) had the pleasure of meeting fourth grade students from Hillside Elementary School, Niskayuna School District, on June 5th when they came to Albany to tour the Capitol.
Students on the trip in Chris Lasher’s class included Erin Andrews, Luke Bennett, Nadia Budrakey, Thomas Choi, Patrick Daley, Douglas Gilloolely, Abbigail Helstowski, Adrianna Holden, Ethan Hunt, Evan Kessler, Jeremy Lawson, Brynn Lecakes, Lucas Lynch, Katarina Mills, Olivia Reeves, Ganon Riordon, Mary-Margaret Russo, Sophia Rzonca, Colin Sanderson, Jack Shiavo, Luke Sheeran, Carline Skrebutenas, Paige Splendido, Logan Stafford, Phillip Torok, Maria Tsakalakos, Luke Zink, Tekhi Terry.
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