Senator Farley Meets With Merriam Agency to Discuss Business Climate in New York State

Hugh T. Farley

January 30, 2013

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I - Schenectady) met with Brian Merriam of Schenectady and President of the Merriam Insurance Agency, Merriam's daughter who is the fifth generation Merriam to work at the company, and James Dick and Joshua Crowder who are several employees of the agency on January 29th in Albany. The agency was in Albany as part of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York Lobby Day and was advocating for an improved business climate in this State as well as voicing their concerns over worker's compensation, health insurance and various laws and regulations. The Merriam Insurance Agency has been in business in New York State for 118 years.