Dennis Michael Sullivan
May 19, 2013

Dennis Michael Sullivan
Award: Honoring Our Veterans
Year: 2013
Dennis Michael Sullivan served as an alcohol and drug counselor with the United States Army HHC Company Division Headquarters, 101st Airborne Division during the Vietnam War. His rank was E-4 and he is the recipient of the Vietnam Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal and Good Conduct Medal.
Mr. Sullivan is a Life Member and Past Post Commander of VFW Post 4927 in Centereach and also served as the Suffolk County Council Commander.
Currently, Mr. Sullivan serves as the Department of New York Veterans of Foreign Wars State Surgeon. In this role following Superstorm Sandy, he visited each VFW Post that sustained damage and helped open soup kitchens and distribute assistance to VFW members and Ladies Auxiliary members. He has also served in numerous national positions and is currently Special Aide De Camp to the National Commander.
Additionally, Mr. Sullivan has been involved in many rewarding programs including the State Commander’s Special Project, Fisher House, Veteran Stand Down, Gold Star Family Monument, Honor Flight and Operation Uplink.
His proudest achievement is the Recycled Car Program which has provided 42 automobiles to veterans in need. Mr. Sullivan is also a member of the Veterans Review Board, which offers free homes to returning veterans.
Mr. Sullivan is a proud member of numerous organizations including the Ancient Order of Hibernians, American Legion, Amvets Post 48, Disabled American Veterans 190, Catholic War Veterans and Vietnam Veterans. He has also had the honor of playing taps at many community events.
Mr. Sullivan and his wife, Teresa, moved from Brooklyn to Selden in 1983. They have four children and fi ve grandchildren.