Andrew J Lanza

January 23, 2014


Governor Andrew Cuomo has unveiled his new Executive Budget Proposal for the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year. 

Over the past three years, we’ve enacted three consecutive on-time budgets and ended the dysfunction that once plagued Albany. These were fiscally responsible plans that help improve New York’s economic climate. But more needs to be done.

That is why I am encouraged with the broad outlines of the new 2014-2015 Executive Budget proposal that Governor Cuomo has just submitted. While we need to carefully study and analyze the specific details of the Budget proposal, the overall plan appears to control spending, cut taxes and make critical investments that will help the private sector create new jobs.

In the coming days, I plan to scrutinize and review all aspects of the Governor's plan, in order to ensure that it meets the needs of our local community, as well as our state as a whole.

To help keep you well-informed on budget-related developments going forward, I have provided State Budget information below that will let you review specific details of the Governor’s proposal, and will also keep you posted on new developments related to the budget review and negotiation process.

By clicking on the "Get The Facts" link below, you can review a wide array of documents related to the Governor's budget proposal, including briefing books and specific budget bills.

You can also share your views on the budget, and to let me know what issues are important to you, your family, and our local community. As always, I truly appreciate your input and feedback. Just click on the link below and fill out the informational form to "Let Your Voice Be Heard."

I look forward to speaking with and listening to all of my constituents about their needs, concerns and priorities as we review the Governor’s plan and put together a final State Budget for 2014-15. By working together, I have every confidence that we can develop and enact a soundly balanced plan that keeps New York State moving in the right direction.