Keep Hydrofracking Waste Out of New York

Brad Hoylman

May 14, 2014

I recently joined colleagues in the State Senate Democratic Conference in urging passage of four pieces of legislation aimed at protecting New York State from hydrofracking waste products. While there remains a moratorium on hydrofracking in New York, transportation and disposal of byproducts of the practice are currently legal and taking place within New York’s borders. Our package of bills would prohibit intrastate transportation of any waste product derived from hydrofracking (S.5123-A), prohibit the use of hydrofracking waste products on our roads and highways for de-icing (S.3333-A), prohibit the sale of hydrofracking waste products in our state (S.3433), and ban our water treatment facilities and landfills from accepting these waste products (S.5412). I continue to support a full ban on hydrofracking in New York, and for the same reason I oppose allowing other states to dump or transport their waste in our state: fracking and its waste has a tremendous negative impact on our health and environment. This package of bills will safeguard New York by keeping hydrofracking and its waste products from crossing our state lines. I hope the State Senate moves these bills quickly for a vote.