Senator Farley Participates in Library Advocacy Day

Hugh T. Farley

February 27, 2014

Library Advocacy Day was Feb. 26th in Albany and as the Chair of the Senate Select Committees on Libraries, State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I – Schenectady) met with representatives from around the State, including members of the Central New York Library Association and the Mid York Library System, to discuss legislative initiatives and the concerns librarians have with the proposed Executive Budget for 2014-2015.

Senator Farley later joined Library Advocates at their rally at the Legislative Office Building and spoke to them about their concerns Governor Cuomo’s cut in Library Aid. Last year, Senator Farley led the charge to successfully restore a $4 million increase in library aid. Unfortunately, the Governor left this funding out of his Executive Budget, resulting in another cut in aid for libraries. Senator Farley is working with his Senate colleagues in advocating for a restoration of funding to last year’s level and if possible an increase to help alleviate the impact of cuts in recent years.

Representatives that met with Senator Farley included Sara Dallas, Executive Director of the Southern Adirondack Library System; Nancy Berkowitz, Director of the Indian Lake Library; Eric Trahan, Executive Director of the Mohawk Valley Library System, Barbara Madonna, Director of the Gloversville Public Library; Michael Lonergan, Town of Ballston Community Library; Michol Tuttle, Director of the Galway Public Library; Karen Bradley, Director of the Schenectady County Public Library; and Jean Sheviak of the Capital District Library Council.