Senator Lee Zeldin Announces Budget Win for PFC Joseph Dwyer Program for Veterans

Lee M. Zeldin

April 7, 2014

Senator Lee Zeldin (R,C,I—Shirley) was joined by local leaders and veterans on Thursday, April 3, 2014, to announce the continuation and expansion of one of his most significant legislative achievements to date: the PFC Joseph Dwyer PTSD Peer-to-Peer Veterans Support program.

The unique program, which provides our heroes with support and guidance to combat the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), has served 450 Suffolk County veterans since its inception. Given its success, the 2014-2015 state budget has expanded the program to include 12 counties across the state.

Senator Zeldin is pictured above with: (from left to right) Denis Deiner, Peer Facilitator, Army Veteran; Dan Dwyer, Brother of Joseph Dwyer; Tom Ronayne, Director, Suffolk County Veterans Service Agency; Assemblyman Andrew Garbarino; Jeff McQueen, Program Coordinator, Vet2Vet, Nassau Mental Health Association; Ava Davis, Peer Facilitator, Air Force, Nassau Mental Health Association; LZ; John Schultz, Program Coordinator, Suffolk County; Patchogue Mayor Paul Pontieri; Chris Delaney, President 9-1-1 Veterans; LW Murphy, Chairman, John Jennings Veterans' Advisory Panel; and Brian Dwyer, Brother of Joseph Dwyer.

