Senate Honors 70th Anniversary of D-Day Invasion

Martin Malavé Dilan

June 6, 2014

The New York State Senate honored World War II veterans by adopting  a resolution that commemorates the 70th anniversary of the Allied Army invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, a defining day in world history that marked the beginning of the liberation of Europe and the eventual end of World War II.

The Senate resolution described the extraordinary impact of D-Day: On June 6, 1944, the military might of the Allies combined for the most extensive aerial and sea-borne assault ever executed. The D-Day Invasion at the beaches of Normandy, France  changed  the  direction  of World War II, and the history of the twentieth century. Planned for more than two  years  by  the  Allied  Forces, the D-Day Invasion was an intricate coordination of the world's greatest military forces and an exercise in cooperation that marked the turning point of the war, and the world history.

On June 6, 1944, 160,000 troops from the United States, Great Britain and Canada landed on the French coastline at Normandy to fight Nazi Germany.  More than 6,500 ships and landing craft, as well as 13,000 aircraft participated in the attack.  By the end of that day, the Allies established a foot-hold in Normandy; more than 9,000 Allied soldiers were killed or wounded.

The Senate’s adoption of the D-Day resolution was accompanied by an exhibit that includes historical photos and video footage, memorabilia, and military equipment and weaponry used by American Armed Forces at the time of the D-Day invasion. In addition, the Senate passed a number of measures to benefit New York’s combat veterans and families.