Judy Zangwill
May 13, 2014

Judy Zangwill
Year: 2014
Judy Zangwill started her career at Sunnyside Community Services (SCS) in 1986 as Associate Executive Director and became Executive Director in 1990. Integral to SCS’s growth and development, she now oversees three corporations providing community services and home care, serving constituents from toddlers to the elderly. SCS has more than 130 in-house staff , 2,000 home care workers and field staff , and more than 400 volunteers. Her vision for SCS is in line with that of the settlement house movement, which SCS joined in 1989 – a center where everyone in the diverse communities of Queens can feel welcome and find support and services to meet their families’ needs.
Ms. Zangwill’s commitment to the community also finds an outlet in local civic organizations. She’s a past president of the Sunnyside Kiwanis, and previously served on the Community Education Council in Manhattan.
Ms. Zangwill is also involved in the broader community of nonprofit organizations. She sits on the boards of the Council of Senior Centers and Services, a nonprofit organization that provides training, technical support, and advocacy for senior service providers in New York City, the Human Services Council, and the Sunnyside Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Zangwill is a Trustee of the Unemployment Services Trust. She served on the board of United Neighborhood Houses (UNH), the umbrella group for New York City settlement houses, and was chair of the Executive Directors Council.
Among the numerous awards Ms. Zangwill and SCS have received during her tenure are the United Adult Ministries’ Rose Kryzak Senior Leadership Award for her years of service and commitment to improving the lives of senior citizens, and for SCS, the first William D. Modell Community Service Award. Judy led the unprecedented move to secure New York City capital funding to build a new senior center for SCS in a privately owned building. That beautiful, state-of-the-art center welcomes 200 seniors daily. SCS was a recipient of the 2009 Neighborhood Builders Award from Bank of America which was accompanied by a $200,000 general operating grant.