January 21, 2015
- Finance

With the final adoption of the 2015-16 State Budget, the Senate has again approved a soundly balanced, on-time budget plan that keeps our State moving forward, and that reflects the priorities and aspirations of all New Yorkers.
Included below are links to a wide array of documents related to the final Enacted Budget, including specific budget bills and school runs detailing State Education Aid for the coming year.
At bottom, you will find links to the Governor's original Executive Budget proposal for 2015-16.
Senate Passes 2015-16 State Budget That Creates a Brighter Future for New York
FINAL Adopted 2015-16 Budget Fact Sheet
Final State Budget Legislation
Article 7 Legislation:
Public Protection and General Government (S.2005-B / A.3005-B)
Transportation, Economic Development and Environmental Conservation (S.2008B / A.3008-B)
Health and Mental Hygiene (S.2007-B / A.3007-B)
Enacting legislation to implement the state fiscal plan (S.2009-B / A.3009-B)
Education, Labor and Family Assistance (S.2006-B / A.3006-B)
Appropriations Bills:
Aid to Localities Budget Bill (S.2003-C / A.3003-C)
Aid to Localities Budget Bill Amendment (S.4612-B / A.6720B)
Legislature and Judiciary Budget Bill (S.2001-A / A.3001A)
Capital Projects Budget Bill (S.2004-C / A.3004-C)
Public Pensions and Breach of Public Trust (S.4611 - A.6722)
State Operations Budget Bill (S.2000-C / A.3000-C)
State Fiscal Plan (S.4610-A / A.6721-A)
School Aid
2015 School Aid Runs (pdf)
SFY 2016 CHIPS Runs (pdf)
FY 16 Senate Budget Resolution
Senate and Assembly Conference Committee Appointments
Staff Analysis of the FY 2016 Executive Budget - White Book
FY 2016 Executive Budget Submission
(Prepared by the Senate Finance Committee and the Program and Counsel Office)
2015 Joint Legislative Hearing Schedule
2015 Joint Legislative Budget Schedule
Senate Majority "Brighter Future" Budget Plan
2015-16 Executive Budget Home Page
5-Year Capital Program and Financing Plan
Localities and School Districts
2015-16 Appropriations Bills (links to all Legislation - PDFs)
2015-16 Article VII Bills
Education, Labor and Family Assistance (ELFA) Bill
Health and Mental Hygiene (HMH) Bill
Public Protection and General Government (PPGG) Bill
Transportation, Economic Development and Environmental Conservation (TED) Bill
Freestanding Article VII Bills
Limit Immunity from Prosecution
2015-16 Memoranda in Support
Article VII
Education, Labor and Family Assistance (ELFA) Memo
Health and Mental Hygiene (HMH) Memo
Public Protection and General Government (PPGG) Memo
Transportation, Economic Development and Environmental Conservation (TED) Memo
Freestanding Article VII
Limit Immunity from Prosecution Memo
30-Day Amendments
2015-16 Appropriation Bills - 30-Day Amendments