Sign my Petition to Create the Mental Illness Anti-Stigma Fund

David Carlucci

November 18, 2015

The stigma associated with mental illness prevents many from seeking out treatment, and instead forces them to suffer in silence. My bill, currently on Governor Cuomo's desk awaiting his signature, would create the Mental Illness Anti-Stigma Fund, which would provide an easy way for New Yorkers to donate to essential mental health educational programs and services through a tax check-off box on state income tax forms.

Governor Cuomo has until November 21st to sign this vital legislation into law or veto it. Joining my partners at Mental Health Association of New York State and the Mental Health Association of Rockland County, we are calling on Governor Cuomo to sign this bill into law. Sign my petition and ensure your voice is heard. Use the hashtag ‪#‎FightMHStigma‬ on Twitter and Facebook to voice your support to end the stigma of mental illness.