Well wishes for 5776

Jesse Hamilton

September 14, 2015

Well wishes to all observing Rosh Hashanah today. Rosh Hashanah offers the opportunity to reflect on the year past and focus on the year to come. This past year, I began service as the New York State Senator for the 20th District. An inestimable honor. Over the past year, I have had the privilege of meeting many of you, members of communities throughout the Brooklyn neighborhoods I serve. I can say proudly without reservation, you are the most creative, dynamic, innovate, extraordinary, diverse communities in New York State.

This past year afforded me the opportunity to partner to bring events to the community like “Meet Your Judges,” “My Parks and Me,” and numerous resource fairs, career development workshops, and community events. Thanks to all those who so generously shared your insights, your experiences, and your heritage with me and our community. In the year to come I will continue to work to close the distance between Albany and Central Brooklyn, to partner in events that inform, engage, educate, and entertain, to work for legislation that addresses our community needs, and to advance an agenda that makes our communities more prosperous, more safe, and more accessible.

Leshana tovah tikatev v’tichatem!