Anthony M. Ferrarese

Joseph E. Robach

May 20, 2015

Anthony M. Ferrarese

Award: Honoring Our Veterans

Year: 2015

United States Army

Anthony Ferrarese was drafted into the United States Army on January 16, 1943, and discharged December 27, 1945. During this time, he fought bravely overseas, earning the Normandy Campaign Medal for the Invasion of France (Omaha Beach) shortly after ‘D Day.’ He also received the Northern France, Rhineland, Europe Africa Mediterranean Eastern Service Medal, Good Conduct and WWII Victory Medal. 

Mr. Ferrarese joined the Veterans of Foreign Wars in 1946, immediately after his discharge from service. The organization was not new to him since his father, a World War I veteran, had been a member for many years. As a member of the Thomas F. Healy Post 16 VFW, Mr. Ferrarese has held all offices, including commander. He went onto the county level of the organization, where he again held all offices, including Monroe County Commander. 

Mr. Ferrarese became a Veterans Benefits Service Officer with the Monroe County Veterans Service Agency in 1962, and then a Veterans Counselor with the New York State Division of Veterans Affairs in 1970. He retired in 1985, and opened a counseling center at the Veterans Outreach Center, dedicating his life to his country and the veterans who served it. 

For over 20 years, Mr. Ferrarese was known as the “Veterans Reporter,” on a weekly radio program where he gave detailed reports on veteran’s news and benefits. He announced the annual Memorial Day Parade in downtown Rochester, New York, for more than 40 years, and won state and national awards for the Monroe County VFW newsletter where he was editor and publisher. 

On a suggestion from the late Assemblyman Roger Robach, Mr. Ferrarese gathered all chartered veterans organizations to help pass legislation benefiting veterans, meeting with local and state legislators and veterans leaders for breakfast for more than 42 years. These legislative breakfasts became a model for others across the state. 

With all his involvement in veteran’s affairs, Tony Ferrarese still finds time to work on various civic duties in his community. Throughout the years, he has served as lector, usher, Eucharistic minister and on other committees in his church. Tony has the loving support of his wife, Allison, and works tirelessly to support his fellow veterans, making sure they receive everything they deserve – from benefits to recognition.