Nancy Marte

Martin Malavé Dilan

May 19, 2015

Staff Sergeant

Staff Sergeant Nancy Marte

Award: Honoring Our Veterans

Year: 2015

United States Army Reserves

Nancy Marte is currently a Staff Sergeant in the United States Army Reserves, with numerous commendations. She has lived in Cypress Hills for 20 years, where she is an active member of the community. 

Ms. Marte is committed to her Brooklyn community and to New York State, as demonstrated by her 13 years of selfless and dedicated service to the American Red Cross–Disaster Response Team. She has been recognized for her leadership skills, and has developed staff and volunteers to develop and utilize their full potential. 

Ms. Marte is a board member of the Highland Park Community Development Corporation, and devotes much of her free time and efforts to co-chairing fundraising efforts and coordinating their Annual Gala. 

With a sharp mind, quick action and a keen knowledge of process, Ms. Marte has helped guide her neighborhood through the City’s myriad of complex issues, and resolved many problems related to service delivery, planning and building partnerships. Professionally, Ms. Marte has worked at New York Methodist Hospital as a health care administrator for 18 years. 

Nancy Marte is a strong woman with remarkable skill and drive, who is always seeking opportunities to improve her community, state and nation.