Sen Squadron Applauds City’s Use Of $100 Million In Resiliency Funds From Brooklyn Bridge Through BPC

Squadron, Colleagues, Community Continue Push for Comprehensive Funding Around Lower Manhattan

Squadron: “Commitment Complements $203 Million in Federal and City Dollars For Two Bridges Area, $335 Million North of Montgomery Street”

LOWER MANHATTAN - State Senator Daniel Squadron released the following statement regarding the City's commitment to use $100 million in resiliency funds for the area from the Brooklyn Bridge to the northern tip of Battery Park City, as well as the City’s allocation of an additional $27 million for Two Bridges that complements HUD’s National Disaster Resiliency Competition $176 million award for that area, all in collaboration with HUD. The Mayor announced the $100 million allocation for lower Manhattan in August 2015. The City is also implementing a $335 million flood protection system north of Montgomery Street.

“Resiliency planning must ensure all vulnerable neighborhoods are comprehensively protected. That’s why the City’s commitment, along with HUD, that brings this $100 million south of the Brooklyn Bridge through the northern tip of Battery Park City, as well as an added $27 million for the Two Bridges area to complement the $176 million in federal and city money we secured, is such a big deal. Make no mistake, the community continues to have urgent resiliency needs -- but the City has stepped up in a big way to make us a lot safer.

“This commitment builds on joint successful efforts to increase focus on lower Manhattan. These efforts secured $14.75 million in City and State dollars in March 2015, as well as $176 million from HUD this past January. In addition to committing this $100 million allocation originally announced by Mayor de Blasio in August 2015 to the region around Manhattan's southern tip, the City has also allocated $27 million more City dollars for Two Bridges, to match HUD's allocation. We look forward to working with the State, along with the City and Federal government, to bring additional funds for resiliency. I thank Mayor de Blasio, the Mayor's Office of Recovery and Resiliency, Jessica Lappin and the Downtown Alliance, Catherine McVay Hughes and Community Boards 1 and 3, LES Ready!, the State, and colleagues, including U.S. Senator Schumer, Congressmembers Nadler and Velázquez, Borough President Brewer, and Councilmember Chin for their continued leadership.”
