November 22, 2016

Dear Participant,
Thank you for your wonderful contribution to the Thanksgiving Day Creative Celebration. We received outstanding poems, essays, and artwork that exemplify the creativity of New York State’s young people.
The submissions received are remarkable in what they represent – showing gratitude and respect for family, friends, our troops fighting overseas, and many other important subjects and activities. I am humbled and honored to see such inspiring contributions in response to what is a deceptively difficult question: “What are you thankful for?”
On behalf of the New York State Senate, I would like to offer my wholehearted congratulations to all of the participants in this year’s Thanksgiving Day Creative Celebration.
Senator Diane J. Savino
School is Smiles Around Us Academy
- Amir Tashmukhamedov
- Andrew Gavrilov
- Cathleen Xi
- Daniel Meyerzon
- Daniel Yegorov
- David Belotserkovskiy
- Ethan Vorotilo
- Eva Frenkel
- Gregory Yakirevich
- Jacklyn Sklyar
- Julie Serebrinskiy
- Katherine Lisitsyn
- Katherine Ivlev
- Lizaveta Krasnova
- Max Gershman
- Michael Mindelevich
- Michelle Stefanyuk
- Ryan Veytsman
- Sean Vasco
- Timothy Braylovsky
- Alan Veksler
- Ashley Markis
- Ekaterina Gulina
- Eliana Vaisman
- Emma Olekhonovich
- Eric Savkub
- Gabriel Shvetsov
- Isabella Borodin
- Ivanna Trunova
- Katerina Shmuylovskaya
- Mark Kozyrev
- Michael Belenky
- Michele Giterman
- Pauline Shprints
- Sean Nikhamov
- Victoria Aizenberg
- Victoria Giterman
Blessed Sacrament School
Holy Rosary-1146095306
Home School
P.S. 100 The Coney Island School
- Jacklyn Ayzenberg
- Victoria Berfirer
- Valerie Ganopolskyi
- Alihan Keldibayev
- Yakubjan Khamidov
- Sonia Kushnirskiy
- Michael Ortiz
- Lizella Sarkisian
P.S. 200 Benson Elementary School
- Nomi Barkan
- Michelle Beyderman
- Ryan Briskin
- Victoria Fefilova
- Ivan Gontchar
- Polina Hudikova
- Polina Hudikova
- Abdallah Hussein
- Aliza Kipnis
- Jesse Kipnis
- Anna Kokilashvili
- Karen Kovalcik
- Michelle Nemoy
- Daniel Netrebsky
- Justin Ng
- Daniel Palmer
- Nicholas Riger
- Pavel Rozinov
- Shakhzoda Shakarova
- Shakhzoda Shakarova
- Isabella Tchij
- Philipp Tsemnov
- Gregory Tsenter
- Jessica Vilensky
- Valerie Yakhnin
- Anthony Yanovskyy
- David Yusim
- Timothy Zaulov
PS 100 Coney Island
- Mehrangiz Bahronova
- Nicole Frouman
- Kathrin Goldenberg
- Angelina Hamza
- Rebecca Korsunskiy
- Lenny Labinskiy
- Nataliya Shalay
- Julia Timchenko
- Lilliana Uritsky
Smiles Around Us Academy
Southfield Institute
- Jonathan Akhijanian
- Alan Biktykov
- Michelle Boytsov
- Mia Dudchenko
- Maxim Elperin
- Steven Feldblyum
- Sandra Gorbonos
- Nikita Gulin
- Katherine Ivlev
- Sophia Kantarowitz
- Aidan Kaplan
- Nicole Kiselev
- Victoria Kulishevskiy
- Emmanuel Lankios
- Raymond Markis
- David Mathurin
- Eric Mayzus
- Mark Meyerzon
- Mark Meyerzon
- Michael Shvetsov
- Daniel Sprints
- Ivan Yatsykiv
- Stephanie Yegorov
- Elizabeth Zabiguylo
- Abigail Metelev
- Allison Khutoryanski
- Elizabeth Grimblatov
- Hayden Shteyn
- James Demchuk
- Jonathan Danilov
- Julia Meved
- Rochelle Konviser
- Tiffany Bediner
St Adalbert's School
- Morgan Gigliello
- Jeff Graham
- Trai Kaufman
- Abigail Lewis
- Rebekah Lipka
- Zion Lopez
- Julianna Mahoney
- Jaidyn Roachford
- Azizsa Slaughter
The Bay Academy
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