Statement from State Senator Gustavo Rivera On The Decision of the Office of the New York State Attorney General To Not Investigate The Fatal Police Shooting of Deborah Danner
October 21, 2016
State Senator Gustavo Rivera released the following statement after the Office of New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman determined that Ms. Deborah Danner's case fell beyond his office's jurisdiction as her actions supposedly posed a direct threat to the police officer involved in the incident:
"It is disappointing that Governor Cuomo's executive order does not grant the Office of New York State Attorney General with the jurisdiction to investigate Tuesday's fatal shooting of Ms. Deborah Danner by Sergeant Hugh Barry.
The limited scope of the executive order and New Yorkers' shaken confidence in our criminal justice system are only further evidence of how critical it is to pass S716, which I sponsor in the New York State Senate. This bill would codify the authority of the Attorney General to investigate and potentially prosecute cases of police conduct that result in the death or injury of a New Yorker, even in a case like Ms. Danner's fatal shooting.
While I vow to continue to work hard to pass this bill, I want to thank Bronx County District Attorney Darcel Clark for reassuring the public that her office will conduct 'a full, reasoned and independent investigation'. This is a necessary initial step as we continue the work of reforming our broken criminal justice system."