Statement From State Senator Gustavo Rivera On the Further Expansion of New York’s Medical Marijuana Program
December 13, 2016
- Health
- medical marijuana
“I applaud Governor Cuomo and Health Commissioner Zucker for taking the necessary steps to further expand the medical marijuana program, an effort that will improve access and provide relief to thousands of New Yorkers.
These new rules will allow organizations that are registered to sell and manufacture medical marijuana in New York State to wholesale their products at registered dispensaries operated by other companies and will lift the current restriction that caps the number of brands a registered marijuana grower is able to offer.
This announcement builds on two recently adopted measures that aim to further strengthen our State's medical marijuana program. The first one, which is included on a bill I recently sponsored in the Senate, will provide thousands of New Yorkers suffering from chronic pain with a safe alternative to seek relief, instead of them recurring to opioid drugs. The second, will allow nurse practitioners and physician assistants to certify ill patients for medical marijuana.
These measures make our State's medical marijuana program more efficient, while simultaneously maintaining strong regulations to safeguard our public health and safety. I am confident that our State will continue to take the appropriate steps to adequately ensure the success of our State's medical marijuana program as it expands and is redesigned to address developing concerns."