Statement from State Senator Gustavo Rivera Introduces Resolution Designating June as Immigrant Heritage Month
June 2, 2016
(Albany, NY) - Today, State Senator Gustavo Rivera (D-Bronx) introduced a resolution designating the month of June as Immigrant Heritage Month in New York State. The resolution seeks to highlight, recognize and celebrate the countless contributions immigrants have made to our State.
"For generations, New York has been the ultimate symbol of hope for countless individuals from around the world that have sought and continue seeking a better life for themselves and their families. The plurality of cultures found in our State and in our country has not only enriched us socially, economically and culturally, but it has also made us stronger as a nation. Just my small government team hail or have connections to eight different countries worldwide, representing in that way, a microcosm of the diversity found in this great State of ours. I would like to thank my colleagues in the State Senate for adopting the resolution and joining me in celebrating our heritage as a State of immigrants."