Translation Services Bill Passes the New York State Senate
June 10, 2016
State Senator Gustavo Rivera released the following statement after bill S992, also known as the translations services bill, passed the New York State Senate for the first time yesterday. The Translation Services bill, which is sponsored by Senator Rivera in the Senate and Assemblymember Luis Sepulveda in the Assembly, will seek to ensure due process for incarcerated individuals whose first language is not English and who are hearing impaired by providing a certified translator at parole board interviews. This bill is currently standing in the Assembly's Debate list.
"I am proud that my colleagues in the Senate have joined me in passing this Translation Services bill. This common sense measure will allow incarcerated individuals to be addressed in their native language and give them the opportunity to fully understand their parole board hearings. This bill is a levelheaded proposal that will ensure our State's criminal justice system treats all New Yorkers fairly, regardless of their origin or disability."