Mardie Sheiken

Mardie Sheiken, Ph.D. has been extremely passionate about helping others throughout her entire life. Currently the Coordinator of School Psychologists at NYL William O’Connor Midwood Preschool – a special needs preschool that provides services to children with a variety of diagnoses – Dr. Sheiken is instrumental in the admissions process and in counseling parents, as well as advocating for them to obtain services that their children need.

Dr. Sheiken began her career at the age of 16, when she completed a college internship for a mental health degree. At that time, she worked with adults with disabilities and soon realized that working with those in need was her life calling. Still a teenager, Dr. Sheiken worked full-time during the day, pursued her education alongside adults at night, and was determined to complete the highest level of education she could. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Psychology, a Master of Science in Education and another in School Psychology, ultimately earning her Doctorate in Psychology at age 30.

Since then, Dr. Sheiken has worked in the preschool, and volunteered in the Marine Park community as PA President at P.S. 222 and I.S. 278, where she also was on the School Leadership Team (SLT) at both schools. When her daughters moved on to high school, she continued to be active on the SLT at Midwood High School. Dr. Sheiken was instrumental in 2009 in keeping a charter school out of I.S. 278, working tirelessly with a small group of dedicated community parents.

In addition to her busy and successful career, she volunteered her time at the Cort Club in Gerritsen Beach after Hurricane Sandy, providing psychological services wherever needed. She also provided pro bono services in her private practice for those impacted by the storm. In her unassuming way, Dr. Sheiken has become an indispensable asset to her community.