Thanksgiving Essay Contest Winners
November 22, 2016

Dear Participant,
Thank you for your wonderful contribution to the Thanksgiving Day Creative Celebration. We received outstanding poems, essays, and artwork that exemplify the creativity of New York State’s young people.
The submissions received are remarkable in what they represent – showing gratitude and respect for family, friends, our troops fighting overseas, and many other important subjects and activities. I am humbled and honored to see such inspiring contributions in response to what is a deceptively difficult question: “What are you thankful for?”
On behalf of the New York State Senate, I would like to offer my wholehearted congratulations to all of the participants in this year’s Thanksgiving Day Creative Celebration.
Senator Terrence Murphy
Mohansic Elementary
- Jackson Burch
- Michael Espinosa
- Madison Faccilongo
- Mollie Fox
- Xavier Guzman
- Carter Jacobetz
- Tyler LaPlaca
- Alexander Mezquita
- Sophia Morais
- Alexa Mosca
- Kian Murphy
- Caidence Neier
- Joel Nelson
- Ben Ofner
- Justin Petrov
- Wilton Platina-Phipps
- Frank Ploger
- Marco Roman
- Aria Servedio
- Isabel Sim
- Sofia Sladek
- Skye Soto
- Collin Alongi
- Sophia Aoukar
- Skyler Benfante
- Olivia Brackett
- Amelia Ebbri
- Andrew Englehardt
- Katrina Foley
- Juliet Horton
- Chase Maher
- Dominic Martinelli
- Alessio Martino
- Nico Masillo
- Molly McKenna
- Jeffrey McKinlay
- Lukas Packard
- Stefano Passalacqua
- Avery Pugliese
- Jackson Pynn
- Michael Raimondi
- Jaden Renzo
- Julia Sammon
- Mia Spiniello
- Zoe Stavropoulos
Hawthorne Cedar Knolls UFSD - Little School
Kensico School
- William Anderson
- Luca Natale
- Sofia Natale
- Jayla Richards
- Maya Richards
- Jason Zielinski
- Lauren Capurso
- Luka and Milana Pandzic
Lakeland Copper Beech Middle School
Mildred E. Strang Middle School
Somers Intermediate School
- Regina Ayoubi
- NIcholas Bacchus
- Marietta Flake
- Sara Hanford
- AIdan Kimmel
- Eva Nevsky
- Katherine Papa
- Olivia Sherman
- Fiona Sledzik
- Isabela Weinfeld
- Isabela Weinfeld
- Kaitlyn Zigabarra