Statement from State Senator Gustavo Rivera As He Introduces a Resolution Designating June as Immigrant Heritage Month in New York State
June 14, 2017
(Albany, NY) - Today, State Senator Gustavo Rivera introduced a resolution that designates the month of June as Immigrant Heritage Month in New York State. The resolution seeks to highlight, recognize and celebrate the countless and remarkable contributions immigrants continue to make to our State.
"Since its foundation, New York State has proudly welcomed and embraced millions of individuals from around the globe who have sought and continue to seek a greater future for themselves and their families. The successes achieved by our immigrant communities represent undeniable examples of the values of inclusiveness, tolerance and respect that our State has championed for generations. Despite the harmful and malicious immigration policies put forth by the current administration in Washington, New York State will continue standing firm in our support for immigrant communities while we continue fighting to implement measures that will allow these communities to grow and thrive. I would like to thank my colleagues in the New York State Senate for adopting the resolution and joining me in celebrating our heritage as a State of immigrants."
Click here to listen to Senator Rivera's remarks on his Immigrant Heritage Month Resolution.