Senator Bonacic Announces $90,000 Grant for the Town of Liberty

John J. Bonacic

March 1, 2017

(Albany, NY)-State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/C/I-Mt. Hope) announced today that the Town of Liberty has been awarded a $90,000 grant for the rehabilitation of town hall. The grant was awarded through the State and Municipal Facilities program, funding for which was secured in the 2016-2017 State Budget.

The grant funds will be used to repair rotten siding and window trim and paint the structure. In addition, the funds will be used to move offices around in town hall to better utilize the current space. The Court offices, Building Department, and Assessor’s offices will be moved into locations that will better serve the residents.

“This grant will allow the Town of Liberty to better serve its residents,” said Senator Bonacic. “Not only will it ensure more efficient operations in town government, it will save the local taxpayers money.”

Said Town of Liberty Supervisor Charlie Barbuti, “The Town is very grateful for Senator Bonacic’s continued support of our efforts to preserve our historic Keller Memorial Town Hall. The Town Hall campus generates much needed activity in our downtown area, attracting visitors and residents alike. All of which is essential to the village remaining the center of our community.”