Senator Bonacic Appointed to Key Budget Subcommittees as State's Budget Process gets Underway in Albany

John J. Bonacic

January 31, 2017

(Albany, NY)-Senator John J. Bonacic (R/C/I-Mt. Hope) is pleased to announce that he has been appointed to four key budget subcommittees, as the legislature begins budget process in Albany. The subcommittees are tasked with reviewing the Executive budget proposal and making their own recommendations as to funding priorities.

The four subcommittees that Senator Bonacic has been appointed to are, Public Protection, Taxes/Economic Development, Transportation, and Environment, Agriculture and Housing.

“I’m pleased that I have the opportunity to serve on these important budget subcommittees, which provide a direct say into our conferences budget priorities for the upcoming fiscal year,” said Senator Bonacic. “Our budget process is the most important thing we do during session, and the priorities of my constituents will always be my main focus as we go forward.”