Senator Dilan Earns 100 Percent Score in Environmental Scorecard
August 17, 2017

Senator Dilan One of Nine Senators to Earn 100 Percent Score
Senator Martin Malavé Dilan earned a 100 percent score in the New York League of Conservation Voters inaugural state scorecard.
The NYLCV scorecard examined voting and sponsorship records on 16 key environmental bills in the Senate and Assembly. Senator Dilan’s votes, support and sponsorship of a number of environmental measures covering clean energy, public health, transportation, and more, earned him the perfect score. Heis one of nine senators to earn 100 percent.
NYLCV is the only statewide environmental organization in New York that fights for clean water, clean air, renewable energy and open space through political action.
See the full report at nylcv.org.