Senator Diaz Statement about Legislator Leaders Too Busy to Attend Governor’s State of the State Addresses

Sen. Ruben Diaz

January 6, 2017


By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz 
District 32 Bronx County, New York 
Tel 718-991-3161

Senator Diaz Statement about Legislator Leaders Too Busy to Attend Governor’s State of the State Addresses

Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) has released the following statement:

“Kudo’s to New York State Senate Leader John Flanagan and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie for publicly admitting that they will be too busy to attend Governor Andrew Cuomo’s 6 Different State of the State Addresses next week. 

I hope that Democratic Conference Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins follows their lead and lets the people know of how her busy schedule will be so she cannot attend.

It is well known that Governor Cuomo will not let Independent Democratic Conference Leader Jeff Klein to be too busy to attend.”

I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.