Listen To Senator O'Mara On AM 1480 WLEA's June 12th 'Newsmaker' interview

Thomas F. O'Mara

June 12, 2017

On the show, Senator O'Mara discusses several topics including new affordable housing for seniors in Hornell, legislation to end unfunded state mandates, and the Senate's recent approval of the "Solar Panel Collection Act."

Listen to Senator O'Mara's Monday, June 12th interview on AM 1480 WLEA's "Newsmaker" with Brian O'Neil.

On the show, Senator O'Mara discusses several topics including new affordable housing for seniors in Hornell, legislation he sponsors to end unfunded state mandates and encourage local Medicaid fraud investigations, Governor Cuomo's nominee to head the state Public  Service Commission, and the Senate's recent approval of the "Solar Panel Collection Act."