Ann Marie Maglione
May 9, 2017
- 2017 Women of Distinction

Ann Marie Maglione has been a hardworking public servant for many years. As Director of the Orange County Office for the Aging, she oversees a department of over 50 employees and a $7 million budget. Through Ms. Magione’s vision and leadership, a $3.5 million centralized kitchen project became a reality, and her office was able to successfully streamline their dining program into a state-of-the-art cook/chill process that currently serves more than 250,000 meals annually.
As a former assistant to the Orange County Executive in the early 2000s, Ms. Maglione left a mark on her community when she worked in collaboration with, and as a liaison to, several of the county human services and health departments.
Ms. Maglione also served on the Indian Point response team, planning and implementing programs that helped to improve emergency preparedness for Orange County residents. She has served as a board member for RECAP, NYS Workforce Investment Board, Mount Saint Mary College and the NYS Association on Aging. Ms. Maglione was appointed by Governor Pataki to the Middletown Psychiatric Center’s Board of Visitors in 1997, and more recently, by Governor Cuomo to the NYS Commission on National and Community Service.
Currently a member of St. Luke’s Hospital Population Health Coalition and the Wallkill East Rotary Club, Ms. Maglione also volunteered with the Mental Health Association Compeer Program. She earned a Bachelor of Science from Empire State College and currently resides in the Town of Montgomery.
Aside from her professional achievements and volunteer services, Ms. Maglione is well-known for her positive and infectious personality, and prides herself in always being able to put a smile on someone’s face.