Senator Bonacic Introduces Legislation on Sports Betting in New York State

John J. Bonacic

March 8, 2018

(Albany, NY)–New York State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/C/I– Mt. Hope) has introduced legislation, S.7900, to update the sports betting provisions of the Upstate New York Gaming Economic Development Act of 2013.  This act currently provides authorization for the four upstate casino gaming resorts to conduct sports betting should there be a change in the federal prohibition on sports betting outside of certain states that were grandfathered in. 

“New York State has historically been behind the curve in dealing with developments in the gaming world, and it has been to our detriment,” Senator Bonacic said. “If allowed, sports betting will be a revenue enhancer for education in New York. We have the chance to ensure our sports betting statute is fully developed and addresses the needs of the state and all stakeholders so we can hit the ground running if and when we can authorize and regulate sports betting.”

In December 2017 the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Christie v. National Collegiate Athletic Association which may result in the federal prohibition on states authorizing sports betting being overturned.  In preparation for such a situation, the Senate Committee on Racing, Gaming and Wagering held a hearing in January on the topic of sports betting which has led to the introduction of this legislation to address a number of outstanding issues that are not addressed by the current statute.