Senator Bonacic Supports Legislation Strengthening New York's Sexual Harassment Laws

John J. Bonacic

March 13, 2018

(Albany, NY)- State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/C/I-Mt. Hope) voted for legislation today that is the most comprehensive response yet to sexual harassment in New York’s workplace. The bill, S.7848A, which Senator Bonacic co-sponsors would prevent individuals from engaging in misconduct that creates a hostile work environment in either the public or private sectors, and encourages victims to come forward.

“Whether you work in the private or public sector, there should be zero tolerance for sexual harassment in any form,” said Senator Bonacic. “The Senate has taken action today to ensure that individuals in the workforce have safeguards in place that will deter these types of abhorrent behaviors. This bill protects victims, gives them a voice, holds individuals accountable for their unacceptable behavior, and safeguards taxpayer money from being used in individual settlements.”

The legislation passed today specifically would:

  • Adopt the definition of “Sexual Harassment” into state law;
  • Prohibit secret settlements unless the victim requests confidentiality;
  • Prohibit mandatory arbitration for sexual harassment complaints;
  • Protect non-employees in the workplace;
  • Create a uniform policy for all branches of state and local government; and
  • Protect taxpayer funds from being used for individual sexual harassment settlements.


The bill has been sent to the Assembly for consideration. For more information on the legislation please visit