Laurie Crane
April 27, 2018
- 2018 Women of Distinction

Laurie Crane, of Huron, is an elected official in Wayne County who is also a nurse, volunteer and advocate for her community.
As the Town Supervisor in the Town of Huron, Ms. Crane also serves on the Wayne County Board of Supervisors. Since beginning her first term in 2008, she has made a significant impact on her town and her county through her leadership. Ms. Crane is the chairwoman of the County’s Government Operations Committee and also serves on more sub-committees than any other supervisor in Wayne County history.
Most notably, Ms. Crane represented her constituents during the flooding along the Lake Ontario shoreline in 2017. She stood up to the International Joint Commission, the governing board of lake water levels, at multiple public hearings, and was a resource and advocate for the residents of Wayne County during this difficult time.
In addition to her role in local government, Ms. Crane is also a registered nurse who is highly respected at Rochester General Hospital. She volunteers at many local charities and serves on several boards, including the Wayne County EMS Advisory Board, the Wayne County Soil & Water Conservation District and the Wayne County Action Program, where she serves her own community, as well as neighboring Seneca and Ontario counties.
Friends and colleagues laud Ms. Crane for the passion she has for her work, remarking also that she is greatly loved and admired for her willingness to lead by example.
Notably, Ms. Crane continues to dedicate her time and efforts to the community while she faces many personal struggles, including her own current battle with cancer.