Protecting Children - Toy Safety Information

John J. Flanagan

October 11, 2019

Toy Safety Information from the United States Consumer Protection Safety Commission

USPIRG - 2019 Trouble in Toyland Report

Toy Safety Information from WebMD

Toy Safety Information From

For a full up to date list of all recalls please visit THE UNITED STATES CONSUMER SAFETY COMMISSION RECALL WEBSITE

Currently, there are over 4,000 recalls and this website lists them in a number of categories:

*Recent recalls
*By Month and Year
*By product company and description
*By product category, including Child products, Toys, Household products, Outdoor products, Sports and Recreation products and Specialty products

PLEASE CLICK HERE TO REPORT AN UNSAFE TOY TO THE UNITED STATES CONSUMER SAFETY COMMISSION - If you are aware of a toy that may be unsafe, please visit the USCSC to report the toy so that other parents are aware of any unknown dangers



WWW.RECALLS.GOV for additional information on other recalls - This website is maintained by the United States Consumer Safety Commission

The Toy Industry Association

Consumer Reports


Please use the links below to get more information on this issue:

United States Consumer Product Safety Commission Email List

New York State Division of Consumer Safety Shopping for Toys: A Game Plan to Keep Your Child Safe

New York State Division of Consumer Safety Toy Safety Inventory Checklist