Jan. 11th Community Update from Senator Mayer
January 11, 2019

Dear Friend:
On Wednesday, January 9th, I was honored to participate in a historic day in Albany where I was sworn in to my first full term as State Senator, and I voted for my friend and colleague Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins as Majority Leader. Read more about this remarkable day in the section below.
In her first speech to the Chamber as Majority Leader, Senator Stewart-Cousins outlined the legislative priorities for the 2019 Legislative Session, including voting rights reforms, women's reproductive health, and gun violence prevention measures. Read more about this session's legislative priorities in the section below.
Included in this e-newsletter are also important News & Updates about the Enhanced STAR Income Verification Program (IVP), as well as ways the federal government shutdown is affecting our region.
As always, if we can help you with an issue, please don't hesitate to reach out to my office at 914-934-5250 or smayer@nysenate.gov.
Warm regards,
Shelley B. Mayer