4/5 Coronavirus Update
Senator David Carlucci
April 5, 2020
- Coronavirus Updates

Dear Neighbor, As we are get used to a new normal, I know we can meet the challenges ahead together, by caring for one another and showing each other kindness. My family and I try to stay inside as much as possible, for the exception of some fresh air. We avoid gatherings of any size, practice social distancing, and wash our hands frequently with soap and water. Sadly, we continue to lose New Yorkers to COVID-19. More than four thousand mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers have died. We mourn every live lost, and must remember we have a social responsibility to protect one another and stay home. David Carlucci
· COVID-19 TOWN HALL: Please join Senator Carlucci for a Facebook Live update tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. on the COVID-19 pandemic. The Senator will be joined by Dr. William Greenhut, an Emergency Medicine Attending Physician and Associate Director of the Emergency Department at Montefiore Nyack Hospital. You can ask questions and watch it LIVE here: https://www.facebook.com/SenatorDavidCarlucci/. · COVID-19 CASES AND HOSPITALIZATIONS: New York has seen 8,327 additional COVID-19 cases on Sunday, bringing the statewide total to 122,031. 16,479 people have been hospitalized, 4,376 are in the ICU, and 4,159 people have died. In Rockland, there are 453 new cases, bringing the County's total to 5,326, and in Westchester, there are 642 new cases, bringing the total there to 13,723. · TESTING: NYS has completed 302,280 total COVID-19 tests with 18,659 new tests. Rockland County has completed 12,112 total COVID-19 tests with 880 new tests. Westchester County has completed 43,955 total COVID-19 tests with 1,621 new tests. · GUIDANCE ON FACE COVERINGS: The CDC is advising the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus when out in public. You can use a scarf, bandana, or mask, which you wash daily. The use of a face covering is to help prevent the spread of the virus from those who are asymptomatic. Whether you chose to wear a mask or not, the most important thing you can do is practice social distancing and stay home if you have any symptoms. · VOLUNTEERS INCREASE: The federal government is deploying about 1,000 personnel to New York State, including doctors, nurses, respiratory technicians and therapists, to help the state's overwhelmed hospital systems. The first 325 personnel will be deployed to the New York City hospital system today. If you are a retired health care professional or mental health professional who would like to help, please, click here. · VENTILATORS: The Chinese Government delivered 1,000 ventilators to New York on Saturday, and the Governor of Oregon is sending New York 400 ventilators. The State is in need of 37,000 ventilators and received 4,000 from the federal government, who only has a stockpile of 10,000. The State had put in an order for 17,000 ventilators from a China, but it went unfilled likely due to competition for the machines and global shortages. Only 2,500 ventilators came in. The State is now ending elective surgeries that require ventilators and using BiPAP machines, which are non-invasive. · SHIFTING RESOURCES: The Governor signed an executive order, allowing the State to take ventilators and PPE from institutions who do not need them. The institutions will either get the ventilators back or the State will reimburse them. · JAVITS CENTER: The State is working to get the first field hospital at the Javits Center up and running, which will provide 2,500 beds for people who test positive for COVID-19. · SURVIVORS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: The governor’s office has announced that they will help relocate anyone who is in a domestic violence situation and in danger due to the coronavirus. The state hotline is 1-800-942-6906.
· MOST LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS DEFERRED: Consumers experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19 may defer paying life insurance premiums for 90 days. · HEALTH INSURANCE: NYS has opened a special health insurance enrollment period through the NYS of Health Marketplace for anyone who is uninsured or who lost their health insurance through an employer. You have until April 15, 2020 to enroll. You can visit NY State of Health on-line at nystateofhealth.ny.gov or by phone at 855-355-5777.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS Please remember you will still receive what you are owed despite these delays. Similarly, there is a chart breaking down eligibility for the recently instituted federal benefits here. The additional $600 per week through the federal government will be added to all regular Unemployment Insurance and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance so no further action is required. FOOD BANKS If you are in need of food in Rockland County, please visit: http://www.rocklandhunger.org/food-pantries-feeding-progra…/ http://www.sunyrockland.edu/…/rockland-county-food-pantry-l… If you are in need of food in Westchester County, please visit: https://feedingwestchester.org/find-help/ https://www.needhelppayingbills.com/…/westchester_food_pant… Make sure to call ahead as many food banks and pantries have made changes to their hours in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY DATE CHANGE The presidential primary will now be on June 23rd to ensure the safety of every New Yorker. This is good news, but we must be focused on alternatives like mail in ballots during the COVID-19 pandemic. The State BOE should be developing a plan for a vote-by-mail election system. Equipment New York State has a critical need for Personal Protective Equipment including masks, gowns and gloves. New York State needs companies to be creative to supply the crucial gear that our health care workers need. New York will pay a premium and is offering funding. Need funding to manufacture products? Call: (212) 803-3110 and e-mail: COVID19supplies@exec.ny.gov. Have unused supplies? Call: (646) 522-8477 or e-mail: COVID19supplies@exec.ny.gov.
Volunteers The State is taking steps to create a reserve workforce to combat the coronavirus pandemic. If you are a health care or mental health care professional or recently retired and would like to help, please click here. If you are an administrator at a School of Public Health, School of Medicine, or School of Nursing who can help identify qualified staff and students and would like to help, please click here. If you are experienced in technology, operations, analytics, or communications and would like to join the COVID-19 Technology SWAT Team for 90-day service deployments, please click here. FEEL GOOD NEWS... http://hudsonvalley.news12.com/story/41933625/rainbows-and-beyond-facebook-group-creates-movement-of-positivity Know someone who deserves our thanks at this difficult time? Please share the story with me by emailing it to carlucci@nysenate.gov with “NY Strong” in the subject line.
For Daily Updates, visit my website at www.SenatorCarlucci.com or follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.