Westchester Reopening Update: 6-4-2020
June 4, 2020

Dear Friends:
The last week has been challenging for many of us, and the outrage over the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis has been palpable throughout Westchester communities and nationwide. To honor George Floyd, and the many others who were unjustly murdered, we must come together to change the way our system has worked and confront the stain of racism that has plagued our nation for far too long. This week, I was glad to partake in discussions with my Senate colleagues about legislative measures we can enact to address systemic issues that perpetuate racial violence. We intend to act on these measures in the coming week, and more information will be available imminently.
On Tuesday, June 2nd, I hosted my First in a Series Education Virtual Town Hall with a number of notable education leaders including Chancellor Betty Rosa and Regent Francis Wills. If you were unable to watch the event live, it is uploaded to my Senate website for streaming. Click here to watch the Education Virtual Town Hall.
- Drive-in/drive-through graduation ceremonies are permitted as of June 4th. Click here for interim guidance from the NYS Department of Health (NYSDOH). On May 27th, I spearheaded a letter to Governor Andrew Cuomo urging that New York State permit outdoor, in-person graduation ceremonies in July under guidance set by the NYSDOH. The NYSDOH will continue to monitor public health data and will advise on any changes to in-person, large gathering restrictions in July 2020.
- Outdoor dining at restaurants will be permitted in Phase 2 of reopening. Westchester County is expected to enter Phase 2 on June 9th. Guidance for best practices for outdoor dining can be found here.
- Dentists were permitted to resume operations beginning on June 1st. Guidance for best practices for dental facilities can be found here.
- Summer Day Camps are permitted to open on June 29th.
County Executive George Latimer announced this week the formation of the Westchester County Reopening Task Force to advance the interests of local businesses in a post-coronavirus economy. The Task Force is Co-Chaired by Westchester County Legislator Catherine Parker and notable Westchester restaurateur Louis Lanza. The Mid-Hudson Region, which includes Westchester County, entered Phase 1 of the reopening process on Tuesday, May 26th. Thus far, residents have heeded warnings about continuing proper social distancing guidelines and wearing masks, and we have stayed in control of all 7 metrics required to continue moving forward through the reopening process. If this trend continues, the Mid-Hudson Region and Westchester County will be permitted to open Phase 2 on Tuesday, June 9th. I am including details about the industries included in the re-opening of Phase 2 in a section below.
VIRTUAL COFFEE & TEA, Wednesday, June 17th, 4:00 PM
Join me for a virtual coffee & tea informal discussion on Facebook. We will talk about the state's response to the coronavirus pandemic, reopening plans, community response to the killing of George Floyd & legislative response under consideration, and answer any questions you have. You can email your questions in advance to smayer@nysenate.gov or ask them live in the comments. The Coffee & Tea will be livestreamed to my Facebook Page: Facebook.com/ShelleyMayerSD37. You do not need a Facebook account to join us.
What To Do When Disaster Strikes, Thursday, June 11th, 4:00 PM
Next week, I am glad to co-host an event with the American Red Cross Metro New York Chapter about disaster preparedness. The presentation will cover tasks you need to do to prepare, respond, and recover from local emergencies and large-scale disasters in your community, types of disasters you may face, and what to do to be prepared from any disaster. Of course, we will discuss COVID-19 related challenges. This event will be streamed on WebEx. Click here to register for the event with Event Password: BePrepared611.
Religious institutions, senior buildings, public housing and community groups who need hand sanitizer may complete a request form here. My office will be in touch with you to coordinate drop-off. As of now, we are prioritizing institutions in the 37th Senate District, but we are also working with our regional Senate partners to accommodate as many requests as possible.
As always, feel free to contact my office at (914) 934-5250 or smayer@nysenate.gov as we continue to assist constituents to receive unemployment insurance or clear up questions about the reopening process.
Kind regards,
Shelley B. Mayer
State Senator
37th District