O’MARA: TIME TO REIN IN CUOMO’S EXECUTIVE POWERS: End ‘government by executive order’ and restore legislative checks and balances
May 28, 2020

Albany, N.Y., May 28—State Senator Tom O’Mara (R,C,I-Big Flats) and his Senate Republican colleagues today proposed a legislative amendment to put an end to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s current emergency powers to unilaterally enact state laws and regulations.
The amendment was unanimously rejected by the Senate Democratic leadership.
O’Mara said, “The initial COVID-19 response demanded an ability for the governor to respond quickly to a rapidly changing crisis, however nearly three months later it’s time to put an end to this government by executive order. The dangers and shortcomings of government by executive decision making only have become clear. A legislative process without checks and balances can go too far and fail to be effective. We put forth a proposal to restore more balanced government, but the all-downstate, extreme-liberal Senate Majority is not serious about governing or checking the power of the governor. They are content letting Governor Cuomo do the dirty work.”
[Watch today's full Senate GOP news conference HERE, including Senator O'Mara's remarks from 21:05 to 25:52]
The Senate GOP amendment would have immediately stopped the governor’s unilateral emergency control after nearly 90 days. The proposal would have put New York’s disaster emergency control policy in line with other states that limit an Executive’s powers to 30 days and would have required the Legislature’s approval for continuing the powers.
The amendment would have also mandated that the Governor to provide weekly reports to the Legislature during an emergency declaration to ensure accountability and transparency.
Since early March, O’Mara said that Cuomo has issued 33 Executive Orders that have allowed the governor to unilaterally change at least 250 laws.
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