COVID-19 Resources and Programs
November 5, 2021
COVID-19 Data Breakdowns and Resource Pages
- New York Forward
- New York State Data by County
- New York City Data
- Test & Trace Corps Dashboard
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- New York State Department of Health
- Westchester County Department of Health
- Westchester County COVID Data
- New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
- New York State School COVID-19 Report Card
- SUNY COVID-19 Case Tracker
- New York State COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard Tracker
- NYS Department of Health COVID-19 Guidances for Schools
Re-Opening New York Guidelines
Although many COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted, below are links to New York State’s archived COVID-19 guidelines which businesses and individuals can refer to and choose to implement if they wish.
- Food Services
- Higher Education
- Child Care
- Personal Care Services
- Gyms and Fitness Centers
- In-Store Retail
- Movie Theaters
- Malls
- Indoor Amusement & Entertainment
- Outdoor Amusement & Water Parks
- Offices
- Religious and Funeral Services
New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities’ (OPWDD) Guidance
Vaccine Updates and Resources
New York State Covid-19 Vaccination Hotline: 1-833-NYS-4-VAX (1-833-697-4829)
- The COVID-19 Vaccination Hotline is open 8AM - 8PM, 7 days a week, to help New Yorkers determine if they are eligible and schedule vaccination appointments.
- Children and adolescents 5 years and older are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. Children and adolescents ages 5 to 17 are able to get the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, which is available under Emergency Use Authorization for children ages 5 to 15 and is fully approved for those age 16 and older. The other COVID-19 vaccines are not yet authorized or approved for this age group.
- To find a provider, in addition to the information above, New York parents and guardians can visit vaccines.gov, text your ZIP code to 438829, or call 1-800-232-0233 to find locations near you. Make sure that the provider offers the Pfizer vaccine. Parents and guardians of children 5 – 11 are encouraged to reach out to their child’s pediatrician.
- Booster Shots: There are now booster recommendations for all three COVID-19 vaccines available in the United States. The CDC and New York State Department of Health recommend that certain individuals who received a Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at least six months after their initial series get their “booster dose.” These individuals include those who are 65 years and older and individuals who are 18 and older who live in long-term care settings, have underlying medical conditions, or who work or live in high-risk settings. Additionally, booster doses are recommended for all individuals 18 and older who received the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine at least two months ago.
- New Yorkers should consult with their primary health care providers about which vaccine is best for their booster dose. If you choose a different vaccine type for your booster dose, according to FDA and CDC guidance, you can select from any FDA-approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines.
- In-home Vaccinations: The City has expanded their in-home vaccination program. You can select which of the vaccines you prefer at no cost, including an option for the booster shot if you are eligible. To request your in-home vaccination visit https://forms.cityofnewyork.us/f/home or call 877-VAX4NYC (877-829-4692).
- Schedule a Vaccine Appointment: You can visit New York City's Vaccine Finder. Seniors without computer access can make a vaccine appointment at Walgreens by calling 1-800-WALGREENS. New Yorkers should continue to check for appointments at vaccinefinder.nyc.gov or if they require assistance, call the hotline at 877-VAX4NYC. To find out if you are eligible to be vaccinated, visit nyc.gov/covidvaccinedistribution.
- NYC Mobile Vaccine Buses: NYC Mobile Vaccine Buses continue to provide J&J vaccines in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan and Queens. The full schedule of mobile vaccine locations can be found here. Walk-ups are welcome and you can also book in advance through the Vax4NYC website.
- Mask Guidance for Fully Vaccinated People: Guidelines state that fully vaccinated people, defined as two or more weeks after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine, no longer need to wear masks outdoors, except in certain crowded settings and venues. However, masks should still be worn indoors and by people who are not fully vaccinated
Housing Reminders and Resources
- ConEdison Payment Programs: All customers are eligible for a payment agreement regardless of prior payment history. Customers can go to conEd.com/PaymentPlans for information. Customers who meet certain conditions below may qualify for special protections. Residential customers seeking protections should visit conEd.com/PaymentAgreement, or call 1-800-75-CONED (1-800-752-6633).Commercial customers who want these protections, must contact Con Edison at conEd.com/PaymentAgreement or 1-800-752-6633.
- Home Energy Assistance Program: The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps low-income people pay the cost of heating and cooling their homes. If you are eligible, you may receive one regular HEAP benefit per program year and could also be eligible for emergency HEAP benefits if you are in danger of running out of fuel or having your utility service shut off. To find out if you are eligible and to apply, visit the OTDA website.
- Emergency Rental Assistance Program: The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) will provide significant economic relief to help low and moderate-income households at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability by providing rental arrears, temporary rental assistance and utility arrears assistance. Federal funding provided to New York State for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program is almost fully committed to eligible New Yorkers who applied. While applications are still being accepted by OTDA, funding is not likely to be available except in the categories below:
- Tenants in Westchester County (not including the city of Yonkers) are still encouraged to apply.
- Households in any part of the state with income over 80 percent and up to 120 percent of area median income can still apply for state-funded emergency rental assistance.
- Landlords in any part of the state with a tenant who has declined to submit an application for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, or has vacated with arrears, can still apply through the Landlord Rental Assistance Program.
- NYC Tenant Resource Portal: The NYC Tenant Resource Portal is the City’s first-ever online resource to help residential renters access free resources from the City to help prevent evictions and keep tenants stably housed. Tenants who do not have access to the internet can call 3-1-1 and ask for the “Tenant Helpline,” which was launched in partnership with 3-1-1 and HRA’s Office of Civil Justice (OCJ) where they will be connected to a PEU Tenant Support Specialist to receive free, individualized assistance.
- Senior Rental Assistance Increase Exemption (SCRIE): While the SCRIE Unit office at HPD remains closed to the public, seniors can submit applications and ask questions by email at SCRIE@hpd.nyc.gov or by mail, at SCRIE Unit 100 Gold Street, Room 7M-3 New York, NY 10038.
- NYC Landlord-Tenant Mediation Project: Through this project, non-profit Community Dispute Resolution Centers (CDRCs) will assist tenants and small landlords in finding solutions to rental issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more here.
Education Updates, Reminders, and Resources
- Child Tax Credit: The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service urge families to take advantage of a special online tool that can help them determine whether they qualify for the Child Tax Credit and the special monthly advance payments which began on July 15th, 2021. Available exclusively on IRS.gov, the new Child Tax Credit Eligibility Assistant, launched earlier is interactive and easy to use. By answering a series of questions about themselves and their family members, a parent or other family member can quickly determine whether they qualify for the credit. Using this tool can help them decide whether they should take the next step and register for the Child Tax Credit payments on another new IRS tool unveiled earlier.
- NYC DOE Testing Data Website: Families can now track the testing rate within their student’s public school using this online tool.
- Access Internet Service: Find suggestions at Free and Low-Cost Internet Solutions.
- NYC DOE COVID Response Situation Room Map: The DOE has launched an online map updating families and the public on which school buildings have active cases of COVID-19 and which require either temporary classroom or full-building closures. This map will be updated daily with the latest information from the School Reopening Situation Room.
- NYC Student Loan Debt: For Student Loan Debt Tips during COVID-19, click here.
Healthcare Reminders and Resources
- Paid Sick Leave: Under new rules that took effect January 1st, 2021, employers with 100 or more employees must provide up to 56 hours of paid leave to each employee. This builds on new rules that went into effect in September, ensuring that newly-hired employees can begin to take paid leave immediately with no waiting period, among other changes. Paid sick leave can be used for a broad range of services, including flu shots, recovery, quarantine, preventative care relating to COVID-19, caring for a child whose school has been closed as a result of the pandemic, or if their workplace has been closed by an executive order relating to the pandemic. For more information for both employers and employees, click here.
- New York Health Insurers Directed to cover COVID-19 Vaccine at No Cost: The New York State Department of Financial Services has issued a circular letter to New York-regulated health insurers directing them to immediately cover, without cost-sharing, approved COVID-19 immunizations.
- The Hispanic Federation Healthcare Enrollment Assistance: The Hispanic Federation is actively enrolling individuals in Medicaid, Child Health Plus, Essential Plan, and NY State of Health Qualified Health Plans. All of their health navigators are bilingual and ready to assist the community over the phone. In addition to individuals, they can assist small businesses with their New York State of Health insurance application process. You can make an appointment by calling their Health Insurance program hotline number at 1-(833)-656-2626.
- NYC Care: NYC Care is now available in all five boroughs, regardless of immigration status. You can enroll by calling 1-(646)-NYC-CARE or by visiting nyccare.nyc.
- Take Care Hotel: If you test positive for COVID-19 and cannot safely separate from family members in your home, you may be eligible for a free hotel room from Health and Hospitals. Learn more about the Take Care Hotel program here.
Small Business and Worker Resources
- Business Recovery Center in White Plains: The U.S. Small Business Association has announced the opening of a Business Recovery Center (BRC) at the New York Power Authority building in White Plains, New York. It opened on September 21st at 9:00am and will provide one on one assistance to businesses and residents in submitting a disaster loan application for the remnants of Hurricane Ida on Sept. 1-3, 2021. The BRC will operate from 9-5, Monday to Friday (it will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays) until further notice.
- Small Business Recovery Grant Program: The New York State COVID-19 Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program was created to provide flexible grant assistance to currently viable small businesses, micro-businesses and for-profit independent arts and cultural organizations in the State of New York who have experienced economic hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Grant awards will be calculated based on a business’s annual gross receipts for 2019. For more information and to apply visit https://nysmallbusinessrecovery11-.com/.
- On August 25th, Governor Kathy Hochul today announced changes to New York State's $800 million COVID-19 Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program that will enable more small businesses to apply for funding. Starting today, businesses with revenues up to $2.5 million can apply for grants, up from the previous threshold of $500,000. Additionally, the limitation for businesses that received Federal Paycheck Protection Program loans has been increased from $100,000 to $250,000.
- Restaurant Return-To-Work Tax Credit: Qualifying businesses are eligible for a tax credit of $5,000 per new worker hired, up-to $50,000 per business. Restaurants can apply for this refundable credit when they file their 2021 tax returns under the personal income or corporate franchise tax. Restaurants also have the option of filing for this credit early, before the end of the tax/calendar year, in order to obtain the benefit in this calendar year. Program details are still being finalized. For more information, visit esd.ny.gov/business-pandemic-recovery-initiative.
- Shuttered Venue Operators Grant: The SBA Shuttered Venue Operators Grant program is now back online. Venue operators can apply here.
- New “Hours-Based” Benefits: The New York State Department of Labor is implementing a new “hours-based” rule for calculating benefits. More detailed information on this change and a printable fact sheet are available here and here.
- Reopening of the Paycheck Protection Program: The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has reopened for new borrowers and certain existing PPP borrowers. For more information on SBA’s assistance to small businesses, visit sba.gov/ppp or treasury.gov/cares.
- New York Forward Small Business Lease Assistance Partnership: The New York Forward Small Business Lease Assistance Partnership provides small businesses and their landlords with informational resources and pro bono assistance to reach mutually-beneficial lease workout agreements. Those interested in pro bono assistance are encouraged to review and complete the partnership's intake form.
- NYC LMI Storefront Loan Program: The NYC LMI Storefront Loan Program is a first-come- first-served 0% interest loan for businesses in low-to-moderate (LMI) income areas of the City.
- The Strategic Impact COVID-19 Commercial District Support Grant: The Strategic Impact COVID-19 Commercial District Support Grant is funding that is available to community-based development organizations (CBDOs) to implement local COVID-19 recovery support to small businesses.
- Employee Ownership NYC: Employee Ownership NYC’s rapid response hotline, "Owner to Owners,” will ensure that more businesses have access to education and technical assistance around employee ownership and conversion. The service is available at www.Owner2Owners.NYC or at 646-363-6592 and offered in ten languages.
- The Design Corps: Sign up at www.nycxdesign.com/design-corps to meet with a professional architect or designer to help improve your outdoor dining space.
- NYC Small Business Resource Network: At no cost, the NYC Small Business Resource Network can assist with technology, real estate, legal and accounting services, procurement opportunities, marketing, loans and grants, and more. Their on-the-ground Small Business Support Specialists will help guide you to the resources you need. Sign up here.
- Chamber On-the-Go: This business support program will connect you with resources to help your business thrive from the NYC Department of Small Business Services and the Bronx Chamber of Commerce. Fill out their assistance survey here.
- “Find Services” Web Application: "Find Services" web application helps struggling New Yorkers locate benefits to assist them.
- NYC Food Delivery Driver Portal: The City of New York is hiring licensed TLC drivers to deliver food to New Yorkers in need during the COVID-19 crisis. Learn more or sign up by clicking here.
- Reporting Labor Law Violations: If you believe an employer is violating either existing labor laws or recently issued executive orders, contact 3-1-1 or the New York State Attorney General at (212) 416-8700 or Labor.Bureau@ag.ny.gov to report them. Learn more here.
- FAQ for Pandemic Unemployment Benefits: To access frequently asked questions and answers about pandemic unemployment benefits, click here. To find out what benefits you may qualify for and more, click here. For additional resources, click here.
- Reopening NYC Businesses: NYC.gov/nycbusiness provides information and guidelines for businesses reopening in NYC.
- NYC Worker Hotline: Workers who call 3-1-1 will be connected to the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection for immediate assistance. Worker rights and guidance is also available: nyc.gov/coronavirus.
- NYC Business Reopening Support: Go to nyc.gov/business or nyc.gov/coronavirus to find resources and guides or use the dedicated Restart Hotline for business owners, (888)-SBS-4NYC (888-727-4692).
- Change in Financial Situation: If you have experienced a change in your financial situation since the start of COVID-19, NYC Financial Empowerment Center counselors are available to support you over the phone with free financial counseling that is secure and confidential. Book an appointment here.
- NYC Assistance for Organizations: For help regarding healthcare facilities, small businesses, non-profit organizations and more, click here.
- Work From Home Toolkit: City Hall has released a Work from Home Toolkit to help New Yorkers make the most of working from home. Check it out here.
- Black Entrepreneurship (BE) NYC is a new initiative, which aims to increase the number of Black-owned businesses in New York City with a focus on growing businesses in high-growth industries. Learn more here.
- New York Forward Rapid Test Program is a public-private partnership to make low-cost rapid testing available to the public to support enhanced economic activity as the State continues to reopen sectors of the economy. To find partners participating in this initiative and to make an appointment, visit the program website.
Food Updates and Resources
- SNAP Benefit Increase: The Biden administration announced an increase in SNAP benefits, which is set to take effect on October 1st, 2021. According to the USDA, the average SNAP benefit (excluding additional funds provided as COVID-19 pandemic relief) will increase by $36.24 per person, per month.
- SNAP Waiver Extension: The State OTDA has confirmed that recipients will need to continue to submit requests for SNAP waiver extensions on a monthly basis. OTDA has signed a declaration of continuing public need to meet the federal statutory requirements necessary for them to continue to approve the COVID-related flexibility waivers and continue issuing the SNAP Emergency Allotment Supplemental benefits.
- Feeding Westchester: Feeding Westchester’s mission is to end hunger in Westchester County. As the heart of a network of nearly 300 partners, they source and distribute food and other resources to towns across Westchester, helping to ensure that none of our neighbors are hungry. To learn more about their services or volunteer opportunities, visit their website here.
- Get Food NYC: Find a Meal Hub site near you by texting "NYC FOOD" or "NYC COMIDA" to 877-877, or by clicking here. This map also includes grocery stores and greenmarkets to help New Yorkers in every neighborhood. Comments on meals and deliveries can be submitted by calling 3-1-1 and saying “Get Food” when prompted, or by going to www.nyc.gov/getfoodhelp.
- New York City Department of Probation: One week of free groceries are available to all New Yorkers in the five boroughs at the Neighborhood Opportunity Network (NeON) Nutrition Kitchens, in partnership with the Food Bank of NYC and the NYC Young Men’s Initiative (YMI). Click here for more information.
- P-EBT: Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer Program (P-EBT) is a Federal program to provide food benefits to children who miss the opportunity to receive school meals due to pandemic-related school closures. For further questions, you may contact New York State’s Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance at 1-(833)-452-0096 or otda.sm.eisp.PEBT@otda.ny.gov.
- Food Supply Match: To re-align the mismatches in supply and demand, NYC has launched Food Supply Match, a web platform to connect sellers with excess product to buyers facing increased demand. Businesses can register here: nyc.gov/FoodSupplyMatch
- Expansion of Food Access in Underserved Communities: NYC has announced new food access programs in neighborhoods that have suffered disproportionately during COVID-19. New Yorkers in communities of color will have easier access to nutritious, high-quality foods with meal deliveries, online grocery shopping and more. Learn more here.
- Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program: This provides low-income seniors with access to locally grown fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Those who are eligible are provided coupons to redeem fresh fruits and vegetables at participating farmers’ markets and farm stands. Find out more here.
Diagnostic and Antibody Testing Resources
- COVID-19 Testing: New York State testing criteria has expanded to all New Yorkers. New York has significantly expanded its COVID diagnostic and antibody testing across the state. Find a testing site near you by plugging in your address here or by texting "COVID TEST" to 855-48. Free, walk-in antibody testing is available at H+H Gotham Community Health Centers, more information here. There are also mobile COVID-19 testing sites stationed throughout New York City, each providing 80 free tests a day. Find a site near you here.
- For New Yorkers with Symptoms or Questions About COVID-19: For real-time COVID updates from NotifyNYC, text "COVID" to 692-692 (NYC-NYC) and text "COVIDESP" for updates in Spanish. To confidentiality self-report your COVID-19 status and symptoms, click here. Call 212-COVID19 if you have questions, want resources or need some help.
- COVID Alert NY: A voluntary, anonymous, exposure-notification smartphone app. By downloading the app, you will get an alert if you were in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19. Knowing about a potential exposure allows you to self-quarantine immediately, get tested and reduce the potential exposure risk to your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and others. Learn more and download the app here.
- Post-COVID Care Clinics: NYC Health provides Post-COVID Care Clinics that bring together multidisciplinary teams (including pulmonology, cardiology, rehabilitation, neurology and mental health) to provide a comprehensive treatment approach. Click here to find out more information.
Additional Community Resources and Updates
- Metro-North Offering Discounted Prices: The Metro-North is now offering off-peak fares through the end of the year! Save some money and enjoy great deals like Autumn Weekends. During Autumn Weekends, each Saturday and Sunday through November 21, 2021, monthly ticket holders can travel system-wide and bring up to four additional guests for just $1 per person each way. For more information on this offer, please visit https://new.mta.info/autumn-weekends.
- The Federal Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) gives a temporary discount on your household’s monthly broadband internet service if you are eligible, as well as a one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer. Participating broadband providers will apply this discount to your broadband plan. You do not need to be a U.S. citizen to be eligible, and applications will be received on a first come, first served basis. Apply online to receive benefits as soon as possible, and visit the FCC website or their FAQ page for more information.
- Burial Cost Reimbursements: Those who lost loved ones to COVID-19 can apply for retroactive reimbursements for burial costs. Applicants can receive up to $9,000 per burial. To apply, you must call 844-684-6333. The call center will be open from 7am to 7pm ET, starting April 12th.
- Financial Justice Hotline: Call the New Economy Project’s NYC Financial Justice Hotline at 212-925-4929 for free information, legal advice, and referrals on a range of financial justice issues. Hotline hours: Monday 4-6 pm, and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 12-2 pm. Email us at hotline@neweconomynyc.org, or fill out our online form at form.fjhotline.nyc .
- Vaccine Fraud Hotline: New Yorkers who suspect fraud in the vaccine distribution process can now call 833-VAX-SCAM (833-829-7226) toll-free or email the state Department of Health at STOPVAXFRAUD@health.ny.gov.
- We Speak NYC Program: The program empowers immigrant New Yorkers by practicing English and learning about City services through volunteer-led conversation groups. Visit on.nyc.gov/WeSpeakVolunteer to learn more about volunteering for a course. If you are interested in taking a We Speak NYC online class or using our free English language learning resources online, please visit NYC.gov/WeSpeakNYC.
- Emergency Utility Intervention Program: HRA has completed its low-income rate match for the Con Edison utility rate reduction programs for customers receiving social services benefits. Clients can contact Con Edison at 1-(800)-75-CONED (1-800-752-6633) or lowincomerate@coned.com. For questions, clients should contact the program at (212)-331-4120 or by email at EUIP@hra.nyc.gov.
- “Take Care” Package: The Test & Trace Corps is providing “Take Care” packages to New Yorkers who test positive for COVID-19 and to their contacts. Learn more here.
- New York Foundation for Senior Citizens: Learn more about the New York Foundation for Senior Citizens’ free Home Sharing Program and Respite Care Program.
- DCWP COVID-19 Hub: NYC.gov/DCWPAlerts provides information and translated resources on scams, funeral planning tips, debt collection cease communications, student loans, free tax preparation, license expiration and renewal dates, price gouging, and more.
- NYC Free Tax Prep: New Yorkers who earned $68,000 or less in 2020 may qualify for free tax preparation services in several ways – including from home – this tax season. NYC Free Tax Prep providers can help eligible New Yorkers file their taxes now and transmit the returns to the IRS when they open the tax season on February 12th, 2021. Learn more here.
- COVID-19 Benefits: Many people who have been impacted by COVID-19 qualify for benefits to help them buy groceries, get health care, or get financial support to make up for lost income. See what support you might be eligible for at access.nyc.gov/pandemic-benefits-guidance.
- COVID-19 and Poison Prevention: It is important to stay safe while staying home. You can find guidance with translations about poison control here.
- NYC Mental Health: Resources related to mental health and a 24/7 hotline are available here and a free resource guide for all New Yorkers as well as tailored services are available here.
- NYC LGBTQ+ Support: New York City has created a website containing nearly 100 listings of LGBTQ+ affirming services available citywide, including food programs, legal services, health resources & more, which is available here.
- NYC Domestic Violence Support: Services for Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Survivors can be found here, or by calling NYC’s 24-hour hotline at 1-(800)-621-HOPE.
- NYC Disability Services: A new webpage of resources for New Yorkers with disabilities during COVID-19, created by City Hall, can be found here.
- NYC Assistance for DACA Recipients: For help renewing your DACA application call ActionNYC at 1-(800)-354-0365. For questions about immigration or how to access City services during the COVID19 crisis, call the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs Hotline at (212)-788-7654 from 9AM to 5PM, Monday to Friday, or email AskMOIA@cityhall.nyc.gov
- Assistance for Homeless New Yorkers in Assessing CARES Act Economic Impact Payments: Mobilization for Justice is offering FREE help for New Yorkers experiencing homlesses in accessing their Economic Impact Payments. To receive assistance, call (212)-417-3791.
- COVID-19 Misinformation: If you have been harassed or discriminated against due to race, national origin, age, or disability, contact NYC Commission on Human Rights by calling 3-1-1. Call 9-1-1 if you are a victim of or witness a hate crime, or click here.
- DonateNYC enables businesses and organizations to donate extra food supply to local organizations who can then redistribute it – reducing waste and helping bring food where it needs to go. Details about eligible donors and recipients can be found online. For food donations visit nyc.gov/donatefood. For non-food donations, visit nyc.gov/donate.
- Mediating Establishment and Neighbor Disputes (MEND) NYC is a new citywide initiative to provide free mediation and conflict resolution services to address quality-of-life issues that impact both NYC residents and businesses in the nightlife industry. Click here or email MendNYC@oath.nyc.gov to learn more.
- Reentry Legal Hotline is a new hotline linking New Yorkers providing legal assistance, advice and counsel to individuals whose conviction histories are causing barriers to moving ahead. You may call (646)-759-8088.
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