Senator Palumbo to Host Virtual Narcan Training
April 14, 2021

Senator Anthony Palumbo (R,C - New Suffolk) today announced he will be hosting a virtual Narcan Training event in cooperation with the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office. The event will take place via Zoom on April 27, 2021 at 7:00pm.
Senator Palumbo explained that Narcan is a brand name for naloxone, a medication designed to rapidly reverse opioid overdose. The training will give people the ability to see the signs of overdose and administer the nasal spray to help the person in need.
“Tens of thousands of American’s die each year from opioid overdoses. These unfathomable tragedies have been compounded due to the coronavirus pandemic and increased social isolation,” said Senator Anthony Palumbo. “Narcan training is an invaluable tool in our fight against opioid overdoses and saves countless lives.”
“I want to thank the Suffolk County Sheriff’s office for hosting this event and for the dozens of residents who have signed up for this important training,” concluded Senator Palumbo.
To register for the course please visit https://www.nysenate.gov/webforms/senator-palumbo-hosts-virtual-narcan-training. Upon completion of the course, participants can pick up a Narcan kit at the Senator’s office in Mount Sinai, NY.
For more information, please contact Senator Palumbo’s District Office at (631) 473-1461 or via email at Palumbo@NYSenate.gov.