Register for May 10 Info Session on New York Pre-Apprenticeship Program for Women in Carpentry
April 13, 2021

Senator Helming is proud to join with the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters (NASRCC) and its Sisters in the Brotherhood committee to promote apprenticeship opportunities for women. NASRCC represents nearly 30,000 members across the northeast. Their members work on a variety of construction projects in our local communities and across the region.
The Sisters in the Brotherhood is holding a virtual information session on May 10 at 6 p.m. for its New York Pre-Apprenticeship Program for Women. Individuals must register at www.nectf.org by clicking on the link at the top of the page. The program is for women interested in pursuing a career in carpentry after high school graduation or as a second career.
“The construction industry provides excellent job opportunities with good pay and benefits and stable hours. Local contractors and builders need qualified tradespeople. NASRCC is committed to meeting the demand for skilled workers and creating opportunities for those looking for work. Jobs have no gender and NASRCC and I share a commitment to promoting these training and job opportunities to people in our local communities,” said Senator Helming.
“Our union is committed to promoting a diverse workforce and providing opportunities for all those interested in pursuing a career in the trades. Our pre-apprentice program is a resource for women who may never have considered that working as a carpenter was an accessible career option. We hope that these sessions will inform and motivate a new generation of carpenters that reflect our communities, and we look forward to supporting new members as they begin their career as a union carpenter,” said Nicole Grodner, Carpenters Local 290 Council Representative and New York Chair of the Sisters in the Brotherhood Committee.
While the information session is for women, NASRCC recruits all those interested in an apprenticeship. Veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.