Senator Palumbo Helps Advance Kyra’s Law out of Judiciary Committee
March 1, 2022
- Kyra's Law

Senator Anthony Palumbo (R,C-New Suffolk) today voted to advance Kyra’s law out of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The legislation (S.7425), which Senator Palumbo sponsors, would provide greater protections for abused children regarding custodial decisions while making needed updates to the state’s Divorce and Family Court system. The bill is named after 2-year-old Kyra Franchetti who was shot twice in the back while she slept by her abusive father when she was on a court-ordered unsupervised visit with him.
“Late last year I had the chance to meet with Kyra’s mother Jacqueline Franchetti to discuss Kyra’s law and several other bills that seek to update the state’s family and divorce courts in order to bolster protections for children,” said Senator Palumbo. “I was pleased to see this bill pass through the Judiciary Committee with bi-partisan support and I am hopeful that Kyra’s law and other legislation designed to enhance protections for New York’s children from abusive parents and caretakers will be enacted into law this year.”
Under the legislation, the court must make findings regarding any child or domestic abuse prior to addressing custody and visitation. It also allows certain presumptions to be made in favor of the child, while also requiring judges to take part in additional training specific to child abuse and domestic violence.
“Kyra’s law wouldn’t have been advanced today without the passionate advocacy of Jacqueline Franchetti and the countless New Yorkers who support her efforts,” said Senator Palumbo. “This legislation is long overdue and its advancement is an important step at protecting New York’s children from abuse.”