Statement from Senator Palumbo on Good Cause Eviction Hearing
January 7, 2022
- Eviction Proposal

Senator Anthony Palumbo (R,C-New Suffolk) a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee today released a statement following the joint Public Hearing on the Good Cause Eviction legislation (S.3082).
“New York State already has some of the toughest pro-tenant protections on the books—providing renters with important safeguards to ensure they are not wrongfully evicted or discriminated against. The new “good cause eviction” legislation would devastate property owners and businesses by essentially codifying the current eviction moratorium, and would make it nearly impossible for a landlord to remove a tenant. This would result in a chilling effect on real estate investment and development. This bill also fails to rectify our backlog of housing court cases or address new ideas to make landlords whole. Unfortunately, this legislation is another example of a proposal that benefits one group to the detriment of another. The unintended consequences will be devastating to our already weakened real estate industry and this legislation must not become law."