Senator Palumbo Votes Against Confirmation of Justice Wilson
April 18, 2023

New York State Senator Anthony Palumbo (R,C-New Suffolk), ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement regarding today’s Senate confirmation of Judge Rowan Wilson as Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals.
“Justice Wilson’s record on the Court of Appeals is very concerning. His opinions and judicial reasoning are more suited for a law professor, then the state’s Chief Justice on the Court of Appeals. Many of the judge’s decisions and opinions leave me with great reservation for his appointment, chief among them, his recent opinion freeing a convicted rapist from prison and dismissing the case.
With progressives in the State legislature focused on advancing a pro-crime agenda, New Yorkers cannot afford to have a judiciary that ignores the rights and needs of crime victims. Sadly, with the confirmation of Judge Wilson, we will now have a Chief Justice that puts defendants’ rights above victims. His confirmation is not good for the courts, state residents, nor our system of checks and balances upon which our State Constitution is based.
Lastly, while today’s confirmation is an historic one, it comes at the expense of what could have been an equally historic day—the confirmation of Judge LaSalle, a supremely more qualified and better choice for Chief Justice.