Ashby Introduces Legislation To Regulate Use Of AI In Political Communications

Jacob Ashby

July 13, 2023

Bill Would Promote Transparency, Trust

In an effort to prevent misinformation and promote transparency, Sen. Jake Ashby (R,C-Castleton) has introduced legislation (S.7592) which would require campaigns to disclose that they’ve harnessed artificial intelligence in the production of any political communication or advertisement.

A prominent disclaimer would be affixed to the image or video.

“We want voters making informed choices based on issues that are important to them. It’s on government to make sure that new innovations in technology and communication strengthen our democracy, not undermine it,” said Ashby.  

Ashby believes that the most egregious misuses, such as AI-generated video of a candidate taking a position they’d never support, will be prevented by prominent disclosure requirements.

Sen. Amy Klobachur of Minnesota is leading the effort in the federal government. Washington State adopted similar guardrails this spring.

“This is about transparency, and I think it’s a common-sense first step in what should be a vigilant, ongoing regulatory process,” said Ashby. “I’m hopeful that my colleagues on both sides of the aisle will agree that New York politics is sufficiently crazy already. We don’t need to throw unregulated AI in the mix.”

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