Statement of Senator Shelley Mayer Regarding PJ Hector LaSalle Nomination
Sen. Shelley B. Mayer
January 10, 2023
- Judicial
As a New York State Senator, I have a duty to act with the greatest scrutiny and consideration before I vote to confirm any nominee for the New York State Court of Appeals. After my review of the decisions of Presiding Justice Hector LaSalle, and a respectful and frank personal meeting with PJ LaSalle yesterday, I have decided to announce publicly that I will be voting "no" on any vote to confirm PJ LaSalle to the position of Chief Judge.
I believe this moment provides the needed opportunity to change the current conservative tilt of the NY Court of Appeals with new leadership. At this moment in time, when we are faced with a highly politicized and dangerous US Supreme Court, whose decisions have upended established rights under our Federal Constitution, it is even more pressing that the New York Court of Appeals provides New Yorkers with the legal protections they deserve.