Community Update: Happy New Year and Legislative Update
Senator Shelley B. Mayer
January 1, 2025
Dear Friends,
Happy New Year! I hope everyone has enjoyed, and continues to enjoy the holiday season. I have been fortunate to spend this holiday season with my family and loved ones. As always, I was able to bake some special Hanukah treats, share my mother-in-law’s Christmas punch, and hosted all of our grandkids and two of my siblings. That’s a special part of the holidays for me.
This week, the country lost an extraordinary leader, President Jimmy Carter. Throughout his career and notably after he left office, President Carter led with compassion and public service at the forefront. He, and Rosalynn were remarkable role models of how public officials and their partners can continue to serve throughout their lifetimes.
Like many, I am horrified by the recent murder of Robert Brooks at Marcy Correctional Facility at the hands of several state correction officers who beat him to death in a medical examination room while his hands were handcuffed behind his back. All those who enabled or participated in the horrific and lethal attack must be held accountable under the law and further actions must be taken to improve our state correctional facility operations. I am committed to working with my colleagues in the Legislature and with the Governor to accomplish meaningful policy change.
The new Legislative Session begins next Wednesday January 8th when we are sworn in for the coming term. While the new year poses challenges, I remain optimistic and energized by the possibilities ahead. I thank you for placing your confidence in me and I look forward to continuing to serve you.
If there is anything my office can assist you with, please email me at smayer@nysenate.gov or call (914) 934-5250.
Warm regards,
Shelley B. Mayer
State Senator
37th District
Read the full Community Update here.